Budget Tracking form is available for use . Fundraisers that utilized significant funding or resources may be required to do additional presentations .
Students are responsible for the appropriate disposal of all marketing materials after the fundraiser is over . All funds should be deposited within one ( 1 ) week of the fundraiser completion .
403 Planning Fundraisers
When planning fundraisers , students must adhere to the parameters listed under Planning Activities ( Section 203 ), as well as the stipulations listed below . If the fundraiser will utilize any print or digital marketing , students must follow the steps outlined in Marketing Activities ( Section 204 ).
403.1 Prohibited Activities Any activity that is construed as gambling is strictly prohibited . Prize drawings and contests must adhere to the stipulations outlined in the
Promotions Process at EFSC . Students are also not permitted to sell commercial items off campus on a door-to-door basis . Off-campus fundraising is generally denied as it presents a conflict with the College Foundation ’ s fundraising efforts for student scholarships ; exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis .
403.2 Management of Funds All fundraisers must manage donations through a college agency account . The club or group may request to open one if they plan on recurring activities , or they may utilize a designated campus account for a one-time fundraiser by contacting the Student Life Coordinator . The process for opening and maintaining a college agency account is outlined in Club Finances ( Section 109 ).
If the club or group is donating the funds to a charity , the agency account will have to be set up with the EFSC Foundation . The Foundation will then be able to generate a donation check for the recipient with a confirmation for tax purposes . The Student Life Coordinator can help the club or group identify the need for a Foundation account when the Fundraising Request is submitted .
Legal tender ( cash , checks , drafts , money orders , credit cards , etc .) must be thoroughly documented and kept secure . The fundraising sponsor and involved students are directly responsible for the money raised . Any mismanagement of the funds will be immediately reported to the Associate Dean of Student Life and the Dean of Students and could result in serious consequences .
All funds should be deposited within one ( 1 ) week of the fundraiser completion . Deposits shall be made through the Cashier ’ s Office , and the deposit forms should clearly note the fundraiser and club or group in the description .
403.3 Collecting Sales Tax Items bought and then resold for a profit , with the exception of bottled water , have to include sales tax . Sales tax collected from the resale of items must be deposited in a separate account code ( 23100 ) for the same index that the revenue is deposited into . Tracking of sales and tax is mandatory in order for the College to comply with state sales tax laws .