from SGA when they already have funds in an agency account , a budget breakdown may be requested explaining the intended allocation of those funds .
Documents must be submitted two ( 2 ) business days prior to the appropriate SGA meeting in order to be placed on the agenda .
202.3 Step 3 : Present to SGA Once completed paperwork is submitted to the Student Life Coordinator , the activity request will be placed on the appropriate SGA agenda . Non-club affiliated requests will be presented at the SGA E- Board meeting . Clubs present their activity requests at the SGA Business meeting .
At least one ( 1 ) student or club representative is required to present at the meeting to briefly describe the activity and answer questions as needed . The voting members have the right to ask for more information or for a revised request prior to conducting an official vote . If a representative is not present due to an unexcused absence , the activity may not be discussed for a vote . Virtual attendance is permitted for Eastern Florida Online clubs . See the Student Government Association Constitution & Bylaws ( Appendix A ) for information about SGA meetings .
If an activity is not approved by the SGA E-Board and / or Student Life Coordinator , the decision may be appealed to the Associate Dean of Student Life .
202.4 Important : Before Official Approval During the interim period before official approval has been granted , no marketing , purchases or commitments of the College may take place .
202.5 Step 4 : Administrative Review Upon receiving a vote of approval from the SGA and the Student Life Coordinator , the Associate Dean of Student Life and the Dean of Students will review the documents for approval . If the request is over $ 1000 , the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs will also need to review before final authorization may be given . The Student Life Coordinator will notify the individual , group , or club via email once the activity request is officially approved . From that time forward , advertising and planning may commence .
Once an activity request is approved , any increases in budget expenditures or other significant changes must receive additional approval in front of the SGA and from all signing authorities . Any unexpended SGA funds remaining after completion of the activity return to the SGA .
202.6 Step 5 : Planning Review Planning Activities ( Section 203 ) and Marketing Activities ( Section 204 ) for more information . An Activity Checklist is available for download with a helpful timeline and inventory list for planning . All activity expenses should be tracked to ensure proper management of funds ; the Budget Tracking form is available for use .
202.7 Step 6 : Post-Event Requesting parties are required to submit a Post Event Report and Budget Tracking form to the Student Life Coordinator within one ( 1 ) week of the activity and present the activity results at the next SGA