200 Student Activities
201 Overview of Activities
Student Life and the activities addressed in this manual involve requests from SGA , campus clubs / organizations , and student individuals / groups . These activities are extracurricular in nature and must pose a benefit to the general student body . Students and clubs must follow the steps below and receive full authorization before marketing , purchasing , or conducting any activities .
Clubs and organizations will be referred to as “ clubs ” hereafter since they adhere to the same guidelines .
202 Submitting Requests
202.1 Step 1 : Timeline for Review Non-funded activity requests must allow a minimum of two ( 2 ) weeks from the time of submission to the SGA for the review and approval process . It is strongly recommended that for scheduled events , the window be extended to three ( 3 ) weeks to allow time for adequate planning and paperwork corrections / changes . This timeframe does not account for advertising and / or event preparations .
Funded activities must allow a minimum of four ( 4 ) weeks from the time of submission to the SGA for the review and approval process . It is strongly recommended that for scheduled events , the window be extended to five ( 5 ) weeks to allow time for adequate planning and paperwork corrections / changes . While tentative planning efforts may occur while awaiting full approval , no purchasing or commitments of the College may take place . This timeframe does not account for advertising and / or event preparations .
Please review Student Travel ( Section 300 ) for any requests involving travel , and Fundraising ( Section 400 ) for any requests involving fundraising .
202.2 Step 2 : Prepare Documentation BEFORE SUBMITTING ANY REQUESTS : Please carefully review all of the guidelines under Planning Activities ( Section 203 ) and Marketing Activities ( Section 204 ), and utilize that information when preparing request documentation .
The documents listed below must be completed and submitted to the Student Life Coordinator within the appropriate timeline . Items listed in Bold Italics are official EFSC forms . They may be accessed on the EFSC website unless otherwise noted ( see Appendix B ).
• Student Activities Request
• Supporting documentation ( budgets , itemized lists , prizes , etc .)
Individuals or groups of students may sign the Student Activities Request as the Student Representative and must organize an activity sponsor with the Student Life Coordinator . Clubs must receive approval from the club , with discussion and votes recorded in meeting minutes , and have signatures from the Club President and Club Sponsor before submission .
Clubs and student groups may use agency funds to partially or fully fund student activities . This distinction should be made on the Student Activities Request . If clubs or groups are requesting funds