chill, with tables and chairs [not like student centre]
Q: What TV series do you like?
Shaakera: Keeping Up with the Kardashians. ”I just
love them cause they are pretty and they dress nice.”
But I don’t watch TV anymore.
Steven: How I Met Your Mother (smiles).
Q: What is your favourite movie of all-time?
Shaakera: The Notebook. “I really like the movie, I
even cried.”
Steven: The Matrix.
Q: What do you think about Malema being kicked
out of the parliament?
Shaakera: I’m happy, his behaviour is unacceptable
and putting our country in regret.
Steven: He is disrespectful. “You know a lot of people
in parliament are in parliament are grown-ups.” He
could approach some things in a polite manner.
Success is:
Shaakera: Being happy.
Steven: Completion of dreams.
Favourite quote or principle you
believe in:
Shaakera: “Do today what others
won’t so you can live tomorrow like
others can’t.
Steven: Trust in the Lord in everything you do.
Role model:
Shaakera: Kimora Lee Simmons –
“she’s a model, a mother,
businesswomen.” She’s so
independent, I love that.
Steven: My mom. (With sincerity). “Everything she has done for
me, she’s thrives in everything she
does.” Admire that, “she also has
confidence in me…”
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