Close up with Mr and Miss NWU Vaal
Malenyalo Molemane and William George
Photography by William George
This month Student 24/7 had the honour of
sitting with the campus royal: Mr NWU Vaal
2014/2015: Steven Motloung and Miss NWU
Vaal 2014/2015: Shaakera Desai.
Steven Motloung, a 2nd year BED (FET Phase)
student. He is also 2014/2015 Mr Thuthuka and
Mr Campus.
Shaakera Desai, a 3rd year Chartered
Accountancy student. She has always wanted
to get into pageants for the past 3 years. This
year she was persuaded by a friend to take
part, she agreed and was gracefully crowned
at the end of the evening as Miss Acacia
They both want to pursue modelling careers
in the near future. Steven and Shaakera
say they are a team and will be entering the
Mr and Miss SA Campus competition this year,
they would appreciate the support of the NorthWest University students. They believe in the
NWU by-line “It all starts here.” They both agree
on being shy individuals, who are now getting
over their shyness because of the sudden
involvement and success on campus.
We wanted to know so much about them, so these are
some of the questions we asked that will give you an
idea of the kind of individuals they are.
Q: How did you feel when your name was announced as a winner of the night? (Mr and Miss
NWU Vaal Finals)
Shaakera: “I was excited”, it was just for fun actually.
But I was happy when my name was called.
Steven: I was excited, “I really really wanted to win Mr
NWU.” At first, for Mr & Miss Thuthuka and Campus it
was for fun. Here I told myself I was gonna do my best
and win it.
Q: How has this experience been for you?
Shaakera: A lot of people didn’t know me; they were
like “Oh, so you are on our campus…” (laughs) But I
learnt a lot about the campus, a lot of things I know
now… I didn’t before. “I was never involved in anything
on campus but now I am.”
Steven: “It’s not easy; when it comes to reality it’s
very straining (chuckles, together with Shaakera), it’s
very straining. “ There’s some much pressure. “Especially during the pageant, people screaming, you lose
focus…” But then it was fun, communicating with other
people from different residences and getting to know
other people.
26 - Student 24/7
Q: How has winning changed your life?
Shaakera: I’m more confident now, learning to socialize and getting out of my bubble now. I was more to
myself before. So that’s how it changed my life (giggles).
Steven: [Agreeing with Shakeera, on how he has
gained more confidence]. Also for me, getting to meet
new people… It is different, because at first I didn’t
know many people. Now I get a chance to take pictures
with them, it’s really nice.
Q: What are your plans for this year, since you
Shaakera: Firstly, to enter Mr and Miss SA Campus.
Secondly, with the girls from Acacia, 1st and 2nd princesses, we were thinking of going to Miss Gauteng.
I would like to work with some modelling agency, because I find this fun, I love photo-shoots.
Steven: I would like to work on my portfolio for modelling. Also, I will go to Mr and Miss SA Campus. Academically, I would like to excel in my studies. With no
second opps... (laughs).
Q: What would you improve or like to have in your
Shaakera: Steven and I were thinking X