Stop-Motion Development High | Page 8

   ( Aardman AnimationAardman Animations an award winning company which produces exciting and unique of independent films. Their work continues to grow for its amusing characters, and unique entertainment which reflects the talent, and the personal efforts from everyone within the team. The main technique they use for their animations is by using clay characters, and involving thousands of stop-frames to make it look as realistic as possible. You would gather the idea that within each shot, it is filled with people burying months of craft into it, all to make the best production as possible. The technique they used was by making the characters so live like that the mouths are able to move up and down to create vowels. This has adapted from the original creators of animation as the characters are able to move their mouths and communicate to the audience rather than being still models. This is different from O'Brien as they are able to make the animated characters look as though they are really speaking, where as Willis only had characters with added wording at the bottom of the screen, without actually being able to see the facial features move together. This is because the technology that has been adapted over the years, which gives the resources to make animations work together smoothly over the many stop frames.