StOM StOM 1702 | Page 5

Vestry Report The first meeting since the 2016 Annual General Meeting took place on Tuesday 10 January 2017. The acting Chairperson welcomed new members Morag and Emily and all returning Vestry members. The meeting opened in prayer with thoughts for Bishop Gregor, Rev Lesley- ann, Ashley and the sick of the congregation. The previous minutes were approved but with an important correction relating to the exact monies returned to the Scottish Government. There was a theme at this meeting with a focus on the accounts and variance between income and expenditure. It was felt we were feeling the impact of a number of groups having closed due to a drop in their attendances. An investment had been made in the new boiler system but that would take a significant period of time before the impact on the bills may be recognised. There was discussi on regarding what steps needed to be taken to increase income and this would be an ongoing conversation. It was also drawn to the Vestry’s attention that for many reasons there were a number of vacancies in rotas that are part of running a welcoming and family church. Please add to your prayers that flower arrangers, tea makers, readers or Sidespersons are sent to us by God. Thanks to all who already give their time & talents to ensure the smooth running of St Oswald’s. An email had been received from Rev Lesley-ann who was delighted to hear what was continuing at St Oswald’s in her absence. The joint study group with St Aiden’s continued and Emily was sourcing the study material. It was proposed that the Lenten study group would again be hosted by St Oswald’s. A thank you letter had been received from Paula Fleetwood for the card, beautiful flowers and book token she had received at the AGM. These gifts were an acknowledgement of Paula’s time (her third period) and hard work as Vestry secretary. The business agenda was lengthy but full discussions took place, including on the Children’s Ministry and confirmation of visiting Priests for January. Next meeting Tuesday 7 February at 7:30pm. Morag McHaffie Secretary StOM Page 5