StOM StOM 1605 | Page 8

a very special way. He lets the voice, singing about the ‘holy, catholic and apostolic church’, to be accompanied by three instruments, two oboes and one bassoon, playing a sweet melody. Many have seen in this a symbol for the Trinity, whose parts always connect and weave together. Three can be one in a wondrous way. In God’s manifold ways, His diversity is interconnected. This has been the first and basic message of the Trinity which is valid for us today. These aspects can still be experienced today. There is God the Father, which stands for trust that I am held firmly by Him, so that I need not make sense of life on my own, but can have it given to me. And the creator does not remain aloof, He became the Son descending from Heaven, who is interested in our lives and became man to the extreme, even unto death. And He has not only been a man among us, but is at work in us and for us as the Spirit. The doctrine of the Trinity is common to all Christian denominations, but is the boundary post to all other religions. Jews and Muslims cannot accept it, for them it is polytheism. Yet their restriction to a single idea of God seems to narrow Him down, while the Trinity ‘breathes openness’ (Mawick) In the confession of the Trinity, Christians are saying that their God is not remote, but wide, deep and unswervingly connected to our human existence and wants to be so. This God is not for Himself but for us, in a manifold relationship to us who call on Him and set our hope in Him. Although the Psalms have been written long before the doctrine of the Trinity was ever set out, it is surprising that some of them sing about a similar involvement of God with man, especially Psalm 139 which celebrates, that God surrounds man from all sides and holds His hand over him. We also can celebrate this idea and be glad in it. Brigitte Williams (Using an article by theologian & journalist Reinhard Mawick: Andere Zeiten) PRAYER FOR CHURCH GROWTH O Lord Cause us to increase and grow numerically, And cause us to have a great impact on this community, City and surrounding areas Enable us who are part of St Oswald’s Church family To be the yeast that grows your church Amen. StOM Page 8