Spring has sprung & we are getting 4 seasons in one day – Scotland!
Now your home is sparkling, including the windows to the outside world,
enjoy the benefits of some serious clutter busting. Donate to charity …..
Sell your stuff online - money for unloved possessions …. Give it the boot!!
CDs, DVDs, Computer Games, Electronics – simply send in your items
free to musicmagpie.co.uk and get same-day cashback.
SPECTACLES – Charity Vision Aid Overseas donates old glasses to people
worldwide. visionaidoverseas.org
LEFTOVER PAINT – local community groups recycle paint
OLD M&S CLOTHES – take any items of M&S clothing to Oxfam and you’ll
get a £5 off at M&S when you spend £35 or more.
OTHER OLD CLOTHES & FURNITURE – Many, many charities are on the
High St or recycling banks in the street or at the supermarket.
MOBILE PHONES – your local Oxfam shop will recycle your old handset if
you take it into the store
Please take time to read the item from Anne Young re - “decluttering”.
The photo of the State Picture-
house and the row of shops
opposite the church fairly caused
a stir and a walk down memory
lane for some of the
congregation. I was told about
the shops that had been omitted;
what was on at the pictures on
folks wedding day; an insider
gave a few stories about “The
These persons kn ow who they are and have promised to look out their
photographs and share their memories in the next magazine.
We await with interest the June magazine!
The Editor
(The Editor will be happy to take notes for anyone and get them typed)
StOM Page 9