For Maundy Thursday it would
certainly be good if it were
rediscovered. But within the frame
work of a religious service it might be
felt as too intimate. Yet it is not more
intimate than love, which belongs to
the Christian message. The
Hamburg Bishop Kirsten Fehrs said,
that Maundy Thursday requires us to
become close to Jesus and his love,
it is as intimate as faith itself”.
Maundy Thursday is a day of trust.
We become conscious of our
community and want to go together
through the last stage of Christ’s
passion. No biblical act symbolises
more the idea of Christian love of the
neighbour and of humility than the
washing of the feet.
Those who experience this washing
for the first time tell us that they are
rather surprised at the intimacy of
this service. No wonder, since our
feet are especially sensitive parts of
the body, with more than 7000
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nerves ending in the feet, which are
tied together by 64 muscles and 214
tendons. Even the slightest touch
can cause a reaction- either pleasant
or unpleasant, it can tickle or hurt.
Traditional Chinese medicine uses
this for therapeutic massage. Those
taking part in the ceremony of
washing of feet assure us they feel
quite refreshed, it is like going bare
foot on grass. If your feet had been
enclosed in firm winter shoes, it is a
novel feeling, some say it’s like the
feeling of having been embraced: a
tickling service of love.
“So let us learn how to serve,
And in our lives enthrone him;
Each other‘s needs to prefer
For it is Christ we’re serving,
This is our God, the Servant King,
He calls us now to follow him”…
Brigitte Williams
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