Vestry Notes
The latest meeting of the Vestry was held on Tuesday March 3rd. It was
probably the shortest meeting on record. I think we were out at 8:30pm.
Under the heading of Property we heard that a new padlock had been fitted to
the gate leading to the area at the back of the church. At least 2 previous
padlocks had been broken so we hope that this one will last a bit longer. We
are grateful to Mic Starbuck for buying the padlock, the keys for which are
being held by the Secretary for the time being.
Also under Property concern was expressed about the overflowing drain near
the main gate. One plumber had looked at it and thought it was a “soakaway”
but this seemed unlikely. Since then Mic Starbuck and John Gordon, who does
gardening for the church, have investigated and got the Council to clear the
drain. By the way, in case this gi ves anyone any ideas, Mic, has told me that
he does not want to be Property Convener, unfortunately!
A major item on the agenda was the procedure for buying a house for the new
priest. This will take time as the church has first to find a suitable property, the
Diocesan Surveyor then has to check that it meets the Diocese’s requirements
for a rectory and finally the Diocesan Solicitor has to put in an offer on behalf
of the church. The Secretary read out a list of requirements for a rectory and
a sum of money was decided upon as an upper limit for buying one. Since then
several houses have been considered, 3 having been looked at, but none so
far has been found suitable. However, we have several months to go before
the arrival of our Priest so we will keep looking and praying.
P Fleetwood, Secretary
Forthcoming events across the Glasgow & Galloway Diocese which can be
viewed at
Electronic newsletter from the Scottish Episcopal Church
Bishops’ Lent Appeals 2015, all seven diocesan bishops have agreed to
support the training and formation of those entering ministerial training in the
Scottish Episcopal Church.
Saturday 18th April, from 10.30 to 15.30 at St Aidan’s Church, Clarkston.
Canon Ian Paton will be delivering the St Aidan’s Lectures on “The Futures of
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