StOM StOM 1504 | Page 7

DO YOU KNOW WHAT I HAVE DONE TO YOU? T his word of Jesus from St John’s Gospel was the guiding word for this year’s World Day of Prayer. It recalls the service that Jesus did for his disciples by washing their feet. While all other Evangelists emphasise in their description of the Last Supper the breaking of the bread and the giving of wine, John tells another, quite awful story. The Master himself washes the feet of his disciples after the meal. . It remains unclear, if the Evangelist wanted to emphasise by this timing the symbolic meaning of this act, or if the disciples could not agree before the meal who-as the most inferior among them- should be responsible for this service. At the lifetime of Jesus, the itinerant preacher from Nazareth, the washing of the feet belonged to daily hygienic routine, since the sandals usually worn did not protect from mud and dust. But the washing of feet was not a service self- understood. Ancient Jewish customs reflect the ambivalence of this act between lowly service and its erotic nature. For this reason only the lowest ranking of the non-Jewish male slaves could wash the Master’s feet. If there were no male slaves available, the wife of the Master had to do it. So when Jesus started to do it, the disciples were truly ashamed and Peter protests very strongly. But Jesus tells the disciples that he wanted to give them an example which they need to follow. “you will be blessed if you do them”. The ancient church followed this example only half-heartedly. Until the 4 th century the ritual washing of feet was sometimes part of the baptism ceremony, yet after a while the liturgy was slim-lined and this practice was forgotten. From the 10 th century onward sometimes it re- appeared as a custom during Holy Week, but only since 1955 it was integrated into the liturgy of the Mass on Maundy Thursday for the Catholic Church by Pope Pius XII. In practice, however, only the feet of 12 carefully selected deserving men would be washed. This is why it was quite spectacular that Pope Francis, shortly after his election in 2013, went to the Roman prison for juvenile offenders at Casal del Marmo and watered and kissed the feet of ten male and two female inmates. One of the women was a Muslim, which offended conservative Catholics even more. The Pope defended his action by saying:” Those who are always on the top of society must serve all others.” He had practiced the washing of feet already as archbishop of Buenos Aires by going into hospitals. prisons and old people’s homes. These days the washing of feet is experiencing a renaissance among theologians. It is being discussed as complementing the Sacrament of the Eucharist, “a primary experience of religion” (Christian Grethlein) , an experience which can be physically felt, touching and lasting, which can be understood without the use of words. StOM Page 7