Bill McHaffie
27 January
Vestry Meeting
The Vestry met twice in October so as to ensure the Priest in Charge was
We gathered together after the Sunday service 28 October 2018.
It was mooted that future Vestry meetings may take place on a Sunday
morning rather than expecting people to come out in an evening, especially
as so few members of the vestry have cars and there is limited public
The Vestry gave permission for a workshop “Natural Healing” preparation
and self-treatment for seasonal ailments lead by a certificated Homeopath
and member of the congregation.
The event is open to the community for a small fee (£4) on Sunday 18
November 2018, 2 – 4 pm. (Update in the February magazine).
The minutes of 2 October 2018 were agreed and signed off.
The accountants have all documents to generate the annual accounts in
time for the AGM, 2 December 2018.
Thank you was given for the tending of the garden and this will recommence
in March 2019 (weather permitting).
The Invoice for the recent roofing repairs is still to be paid.
December calendar was confirmed (see page 2)
Morag McHaffie