Once the onion starts to turn translucent add the diced garlic, turmeric and a
pinch of salt.
After cooking for another 2 minutes add the carrots, parsnips, vegetable
broth and coconut milk.
Bring soup pot to a boil and then lower to a medium-low heat and simmer for
30 minutes.
Once the carrots and parsnips are very tender your soup is ready to blend.
Use an immersion blender, or in a blender carefully blend soup until smooth.
Serve soup topped with croutons and enjoy!
Giovanna Franklin
Book of the Month: Creation by David Ferguson
Reviewed by The Revd Canon Dr Scott
Robertson. Rector of St Margaret’s, Newlands,
David Fergusson, Professor of Divinity at the
University of Edinburgh, offers us, in his typically
eirenic and thorough way, a helpful introduction
to some of the major themes which fall under the
banner of ‘creation’. In an atmosphere which has
become cluttered by competing fundamentalist
visions, be that religious fundamentalism or its
nemesis, the scientism of the likes of Richard
Dawkins, Fergusson navigates through the dross
and excavates nuggets of theological
So, this is a book with depth, but it is by no means rarefied. An example of
this is, early in the book, where he rehearses the notion of the image of God.
Fergusson is able to point out the often-hidden aspects of this well-known
theological term and brings the reader to a broader awareness of the
implications of the image of God not only for the status of human beings but
also for the wider ecosystem of which human beings are a small but
significant part.
This wide-ranging volume (Fergusson even touches on the possibility of
extra-terrestrial life!) comes with a helpful Bibliography for those seeking to
explore further. As a navigator of the theological and philosophical issues
raised by creation, I can think of no better person than David Fergusson.