State-Advisor-Guide_2023 | Page 12

This is your opportunity to highlight your state and your exhibitors . Wear your state shirts and have as much fun with it as you wish ! Feel free to dress up as much as you ’ d like !
State lists will be provided to state advisors at the NJLSC advisor meeting . This will be the order that exhibitors are called , the first in line holds the state flag . The list will be given to advisors in alphabetical order , but it does not have to stay that way . If there ’ s younger family members that want to walk in feel free to add those names to the list . Anyone is welcome !

Opening Ceremony

This is your opportunity to highlight your state and your exhibitors . Wear your state shirts and have as much fun with it as you wish ! Feel free to dress up as much as you ’ d like !
State lists will be provided to state advisors at the NJLSC advisor meeting . This will be the order that exhibitors are called , the first in line holds the state flag . The list will be given to advisors in alphabetical order , but it does not have to stay that way . If there ’ s younger family members that want to walk in feel free to add those names to the list . Anyone is welcome !