State-Advisor-Guide_2023 | Page 13

The NALJA Tenderfoot Program was designed to provide first time NJLSC exhibitors with a go to contact during NJLSC . This provides more experienced NALJA members an opportunity to share their past experiences with younger members and allows juniors of all ages to interact with juniors from different states .
This Year : The tenderfoot icebreaker will be the Mount Rushmore tour on Saturday , July 8 at 2:00 pm . Junior board members will be in charge of games on the bus ride to and from the tour . This will not take the place of the main event on Sunday afternoon at 1pm . We would encourage all juniors to participate in both events .

Tenderfoot / Mentor Program

The NALJA Tenderfoot Program was designed to provide first time NJLSC exhibitors with a go to contact during NJLSC . This provides more experienced NALJA members an opportunity to share their past experiences with younger members and allows juniors of all ages to interact with juniors from different states .

This Year : The tenderfoot icebreaker will be the Mount Rushmore tour on Saturday , July 8 at 2:00 pm . Junior board members will be in charge of games on the bus ride to and from the tour . This will not take the place of the main event on Sunday afternoon at 1pm . We would encourage all juniors to participate in both events .