State-Advisor-Guide_2023 | Page 11

Although not required , it ’ s strongly encouraged for states to create “ State Shirts .” These shirts are worn during opening ceremonies to highlight each state . Shirts can match the NJLSC theme , your state ’ s theme , or something special about your state ( i . e . sports team , college , etc .)
Some states wear different state shirts each day , some wear state shirts during team contests , the choice is yours to make !

State Shirts

Although not required , it ’ s strongly encouraged for states to create “ State Shirts .” These shirts are worn during opening ceremonies to highlight each state . Shirts can match the NJLSC theme , your state ’ s theme , or something special about your state ( i . e . sports team , college , etc .)
Some states wear different state shirts each day , some wear state shirts during team contests , the choice is yours to make !