State-Advisor-Guide_2023 | Page 10

Your state ’ s NJLSC entries will be emailed to the state advisor listed on the NALF website .
If your state ’ s listing is not correct or if there will be a different representative at NJLSC please let Mallory Blunier , Mallory @ nalf . org , know so the information gets to the right person .
State Entries will include exhibitor ’ s information including contact information , parent ’ s name and shirt size ; animal entry information ; and satellite entry information .
When the stall chart becomes available , it will be sent out . The South Dakota Limousin Association will be assinging stalls by state , but it is up to the state advisor to assign exhibitor stalls .

NJLSC Entries

Your state ’ s NJLSC entries will be emailed to the state advisor listed on the NALF website .
If your state ’ s listing is not correct or if there will be a different representative at NJLSC please let Mallory Blunier , Mallory @ nalf . org , know so the information gets to the right person .
State Entries will include exhibitor ’ s information including contact information , parent ’ s name and shirt size ; animal entry information ; and satellite entry information .
When the stall chart becomes available , it will be sent out . The South Dakota Limousin Association will be assinging stalls by state , but it is up to the state advisor to assign exhibitor stalls .

For further information about the state advisor list go to the NALF website under the Juniors / State Advisor tab .