Standing and Shining 2 | Page 10

Eat Healthier: Once again, at one point or another, we have all made this resolution. It is estimated most people give up on it around February 14 (AKA, Valentines Day.) A way to keep this resolution is to plan your meals. It seems pretty tough, but it is actually quite easy. Just pin all of the most delicious foods you see on Pinterest to a board called "Meal Plans." Once you do them, move them to a board called "Tried and True" or if you hate them just delete them. An AWESOME feature that Pinterest now features is a "I tried it" button where you can give feedback on the recipe, DIY, etc. as well!

Stress Less: Ok, lets face it. Around March you are going to start stressing on how much you are stressing. You will then sign up for a yoga class and stress about getting there on time. An amazing way to beat stress is to journal. You don't have to do this too often, maybe just once a week, or when you are feeling stressed. You can also do at home yoga, paint, draw, or do anything else you love. For example, I write to destress.

Adventure More Often: We all want a

bit of adventure in our lives. You

know it, I know it. It just makes life

that much more exciting. This goal

is really hard to keep especially

during the winter months because

it gets really cold and hard to go

outside. A way to keep this goal

throughout the year is to go on hikes

in places you have never been, go to a

different temple each month, etc.

This is very helpful. Find the link here.