Standing and Shining 2 | Page 11

Finish Personal Progress: If you are looking to complete Personal Progress this year, this is where you should be searching. This is a very helpful blog from The Personal Progress Helper to get Personal Progress done in one summer. Here is another link to Personal Progress Girlie in which she shows you which experiences you can complete in one day. Or, if you are just looking to complete some Personal Progress here is a good source.

I will get my life completely organized: When you write this as one of your resolutions you just mean, 'I am going to try to clean my room and then play with the things I find.' or 'I will start a bullet journal to make sure I don't over schedule myself. I will then just make random doodles and find out how boring my life is.' Okay, just saying, your life is not boring at all. That was just a dramatization. But, to keep that goal, you can actually start a bullet journal. Just Google 'bullet journals' or search it on Pinterest. You will do great.

These are just some of the New Years Resolutions I see and hear people talking about ALL THE TIME. What are your New Years Resolutions? E-mail them to me at [email protected]. One of mine is to work on Personal Progress more often. I hope that these wer kind of relatable to you. Anyway, trying to keep track of your resolutions in general can be quite difficult. Try using this technique to keep them all together.

1. Get out a piece of paper and pen/pencil.

2. One one of the lines, draw a box and then write down the resolution. Repeat until all resolutions are written down.

3. Put your paper on your wall using tape. Check off the boxes as you finish the resolutions.