SRP Strategic Plan 2023/27 | Page 5

Review of Previous Strategic Plan ( 2018 / 22 )

Our priori es and objec ves for the next five years will build on the progress made on the previous Strategic Plan ( 2018 / 22 ). The key Priori es set out in that plan were fundamental to the opera on and growth of the Society :
Priority 1 – Membership Priority 2 – Professional Standards Priority 3 – Public Benefit
Core Strategies were then set out through a series of Commitments to build on the Society ' s current standing and ac vi es to realise our Vision and the iden fied priori es , by represen ng where new work would be undertaken or where improvement was required :
Commitment 1 - To ensure that professional designa ons are recognised for the value they bring to both the professional and lay communi es
Commitment 2 - To ensure that SRP is highly respected by Government and community in the UK and interna onally
Commitment 3 - To deliver a strong and effec ve outreach programme Commitment 4 - To be a recognised provider of training
These Commitments were then supported by the following Enabling Strategies to deal with the rou ne work of the Society , and indicated where improvement was needed :
Enabling Strategy 1 – To be a financially resilient society Enabling Strategy 2 - To be an effec ve and adap ve organisa on structure Enabling Strategy 3 - To increase our membership numbers
The Strategy and Risk Review Commi ee ( StaRR ) was tasked with reviewing progress on the 2018 / 22 Strategic Plan and repor ng to Council , and their report is available to members on the website . The findings are summarised overleaf .