Strategic Plan ( 2018 / 22 ) – Summary Review
Firstly , it can be concluded that the Society has delivered successfully on the Commitments to be financially stable and sustainable , to establish a framework for professional recogni on through the Radia on Protec on Council , to be highly respected by Government and the community , and to deliver strong outreach especially through a ending large Science , Technology , Engineering and Maths ( STEM ) events .
The past two and a half years have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic which brought some challenges and had a significant impact on delivery of some aspects of the Strategic Plan . However , although some outreach and other related ac vi es had to be curtailed , other aspects were unaffected , and the new Council , Directorate and Commi ee structure has become wellestablished . Indeed , new efficient and more inclusive modes of communica on were adopted , including holding virtual mee ngs , allowing the Society to increase its engagement with the membership and the public – such as through the successful webinar series jointly run with the Associa on of University Radia on Protec on Officers ( AURPO ).
There has been less success over the past five years in growing the membership , and in the uptake of the newly established TechRadP and IRadP professional registra on grades . Furthermore , the Commitment to provide training has been recognised as not being a reasonable expecta on for the Society , as the establishment and management of such training provision would involve a dispropor onate drain on our resources .
Finally , it has been recognised that , as a result of the Priori es and Commitments set out in the plan being aspira onal in nature , as , well as in hindsight , being unnecessarily complex , they did not lend themselves to being measurably deliverable within a set mescale . The Enabling Strategies were also not explicit enough to ensure delivery of the priori es and Commitments .
As a response to the conclusions of this Review , it has been decided to produce a Strategic Five- Year Plan that sets out the Society ' s aspira onal objec ves as Priori es , but to also support this with a Delivery Plan that sets out the measurable commitments and tasks , mescales , and responsibili es for achieving the Priori es . This Delivery Plan will evolve and change over the fiveyear period as progress is made on the specific commitments , and there will be regular audit of progress carried out by the Strategy and Risk Review Commi ee .
1963 - 2023
Annual Conference
2023 - A Radia on Protec on Odyssey . A Leap into the Future - Celebra ng 60 Years of SRP
Aberdeen 25 - 27 April 2023
Conference Programme and Speaker Information
Included this year
Exhibi on | SRP 5K | Annual Dinner Presenta ons and Workshops
Virtual A endance and Conference App Available