SRP Strategic Plan 2023/27 | Page 4


The Society for Radiological Protec on aims to be recognised as the independent professional lead for the development and dissemina on of radia on protec on science , culture and prac ce for all .
Our Vision statement is an aspira onal descrip on of what we would like to achieve in the long-term .
The Society must con nue to be independent of all poli cal par es and agendas , and free from undue bias from all organisa ons and industries . Only through independence can we speak as one voice for radia on protec on and provide trusted opinions and advice .
We are a professional Society and aim to be the independent voice in all professional ma ers rela ng to radia on protec on in the UK and to provide our support and knowledge interna onally as appropriate .
Our role is in both the development and dissemina on of informa on , guidance and learning materials . We aim to lead in ini a ng and building on ac vi es in the field of radia on protec on , advancing both knowledge and prac ce , and sharing these with other professionals , allied socie es , industry , HM Government , and the public .
Radia on protec on encompasses science , culture and prac ce , and all these aspects are of importance , requiring a wide range of skills and knowledge within the Society .