As a registered charity , these objec ves form our charitable aims . There must be due governance of the Society so that the income we receive from membership subscrip ons , from registra on fees for mee ngs and conferences and all other ac vi es is spent to meet these aims and thus our Charter .
Our members work to support the safety aspects of the uses of both ionising and non-ionising radia ons across all sectors - in medicine , industry , the nuclear power cycle , decommissioning and waste management , defence , educa on and research , and industries that involve exposure to naturally occurring radioac ve material including radon . The Society primarily exists to support our members in their work .
This Strategic Plan sets out the Vision and Key Priori es to fulfil the requirements of our Charter over the next five years and introduces the Delivery Plan that sits below it and sets out measurable commitments and tasks to be undertaken . The Delivery Plan will also set out the responsibili es for achieving the objec ves , and will be a living document , regularly reviewed and revised as progress is made on the commitments and tasks .
Jim Thurston CRadP FSRP President January 2023