SRP Annual Review 2022/23 | Page 9

Professional Standards Directorate
Director : Alex Rankine
The Professional Standards Directorate ( PSD ) continues to oversee the setting and maintenance of the professional standards required for membership and professional recognition . There are four committees which carry out routine work and special projects as outlined in their reports below .
PSD is the interface with The Radiation Protection Council ( RPC ), and we note that two of our representatives to the RPC are standing down this year and two new members have been appointed . The Registration Approval Committee ( RAC ) assesses applications for professional registration against the RPC standards and audits registrants ' CPD records . There have been a healthy number of applications in the past year although there are still only a few at the IRadP and TechRadP levels .
Qualifications and Professional Standards Committee ( QPSC ) continues to oversee the standards for Professional Registration and membership and has been working on other projects as outlined below . Membership applications are assessed by Membership Committee ( MemCom ) and Awards and Sponsorship Committee ( ASC ) continues in its role of assisting and encouraging members in their professional development .
It is pleasing to see that the number of membership applications has more than recovered since the pandemic and indeed there have been a record number in the past year . Many of these applications have been at the “ Associate ” level and we have identified that we need to work on ensuring that SRP is offering activities for Associate members . Similarly , we need to identify clear benefits for people in applying for registration at TechRadP level . These issues and the need to continue with expanding our membership diversity are a key section in the new Strategic Plan and associated Delivery Plan . PSD committees look forward to playing an active role in delivering against the Plan in the coming year .
respectively . We look forward to awarding prizes for presentations and the biennial Young Persons Award , at the SRP ' s 60th Anniversary Annual Conference in Aberdeen in 2023 . We predict a continued increase in the number of requests for sponsorship and are grateful to SRP for enabling the development of our future radiation protection specialists .
2022 Award Winners
The 2022 Jack Martin Award for best oral presentation at the Annual Conference was won by Gareth Thomas ( ONR ) for his paper entitled ' Post-Brexit influencing of international occupational RP standards by UK regulators '. He was presented with his award by President-Elect Jennifer Humphries .
The Philip Nicholson Award for Best Poster Presentation was awarded to Jon Hatton for his poster entitled ' Effective use of Data Analysis and Visualisation in the Regulation of the Nuclear Industry '.
Awards and Sponsorship Committee Chair : Neil Pierce , Secretary : Becky Varns
The Awards and Sponsorship Committee ( A & SC ) oversees the Society ' s sponsorship schemes and organises the judging for prizes for best presentation ( Jack Martin Award ) and poster ( Philip Nicholson Award ) at the Annual Conference . Following the pandemic we have seen a healthy increase in the number of requests for Fee-Free places at in-person conferences . The A & SC was able to contribute to the Charter ' s objectives by granting Higher Education Sponsorships to several students attending post-graduate courses in the fields of Medical Radiation Physics and Radiation and Environmental Protection . We would like to thank Lorna Galbraith and Philip Clewer for their dedication and many years of service on the Committee in the roles of Chair and Secretary , respectively . They have agreed to remain on the Committee as member & corresponding member . We have welcomed Neil Pierce and Rebecca Varns as the incoming Chair and Secretary ,
Best Exhibition Stand - an informal award for best exhibition stand at the Annual Conference as voted by delegates – was won by Aurora Health Physics Services and was received by Amy Elliot and Joel Garner .
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