SRP Annual Review 2022/23 | Page 8

Spring 2023
Incorporated by Royal Charter 2007
Strategic Plan 2023 / 27

New Five Year Strategic Plan is Published

The Strategic Plan for 2023-27 was published on 3rd April . It follows extensive consultation with the membership and builds on the lessons learnt from the previous five year plan .
The Plan supports our Vision - that SRP is recognised as the independent professional lead for the development and dissemination of radiation protection science , culture and practice for all .
As President Jim Thurston highlights " This Strategic Plan sets out the Vision and Key Priorities to fulfil the requirements of our Charter over the next five years and introduces the Delivery Plan that sits below it and sets out measurable commitments and tasks to be undertaken . The Delivery Plan will also set out the responsibilities for achieving the objectives , and will be a living document , regularly reviewed and revised as progress is made on the commitments and tasks ."

7th European IRPA Congress to be held in Liverpool in 2026

It was confirmed at the 6th European Congress in Budapest in early June that SRP has been successful in its bid to host the next European Congress in the UK . It will be held at the Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool on 1-5 June 2026 .
SRP ' s Heads of Profession Network finally meet in person Three years later than planned the Network held an in person meeting kindly hosted by UKAEA Culham . 25 guests enjoyed various tours after the meeting , including a visit to the Joint European Torus ( JET ), the Materials Research Facility ( MRF ) and the Health Physics Analysis Lab .
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