SRP Annual Review 2022/23 | Page 10

Membership Committee Chair : George Sallit , Secretary : Phil Tattersall
The Committee continues to run efficiently with all the work done via the forum . At the end of 2022 , total membership stood at 1641 , a net increase in membership of 41 since the end of 2021 with 110 new members joining and 69 members leaving the Society through death , resignation or lapsed subscription . A working group was established to look at ways of encouraging membership applications .
It is with deep regret that the Society has learned of the deaths , since the publication of the last Trustees ' Report , of Martin Ainsworth , Rupert Cockerill , Jacqueline Comben , Terence Drury , Bob Gardiner , Joe McHugh OBE , Keith Morley , Ian Putwain , Phil Simpkin , Phil Sinkinson , Derek Stevens , Trevor Taylor , John Walford , Trevor Williams and Allan Wilson .
Qualifications and Professional Standards Committee Chair : Joanne Stewart , Secretary : Katrina Macleod Clark
The Qualifications and Professional Standards Committee has had a slightly difficult year with respect to maintaining a stable membership with two members dropping off the committee within a relatively short period of time ; one citing pressure of other commitments and the other retiring from radiation protection activities altogether . However , two new members have recently been recruited . A consequence of these changes is that the membership is now somewhat biased towards the nuclear sector and there is currently no representation from academia ; hopefully this can be redressed in the coming year .
The drop in available effort contributed to progress on planned work streams being slow over the year . However , the working group ( a task-and-finish subgroup of QPSC ) to take forward the development of competence standards for the Qualified Person has now been established , this small group being made up of representatives from the community of interest . Discussions have begun with respect to how the current SRP webpage on courses and training events could be re-shaped to try and make it a more dynamic resource and the QPSC Chair supported the annual audit of CPD for CRadP members . The latter was a useful exercise with observations on the process being fed back to the PSD .
Following considerable involvement at the end of 2021 to rewrite the RPA schemes , the two RPA 2000 representatives continued to support RPA 2000 with the delivery of the update sessions to Assessors and the workshop at the SRP Annual Conference .
Registration Approval Committee Chair : Roger Collison , Secretary : Scott Kinnear
The Registration Approval Committee ( RAC ) is appointed by Council under the Professional Standards Directorate to develop , maintain and implement SRP arrangements related to applications for , and maintaining Registration as , Chartered Radiation Protection Professional ( CRadP ), Incorporated Radiation Protection Professional ( IRadP ) and Technical Radiation Protection Professional ( TechRadP ).
Following significant work by the RAC , and others , application was made and a Licence for Registration of CRadP and the two new grades granted ( 2019 ) by the Radiation Protection Council ( RPC ). The application process is available on the SRP ' s website for prospective candidates .
During 2022 the assessment processes were reviewed , audited , and refined with further improvements planned for 2023 including application form changes following feedback from applicants and assessors . A presentation outlining the application process has been produced and is available on YouTube . Recruitment of new assessors has increased the pool of assessors available which is expected to ease the burden on the current volunteers and maintain an efficient process .
The Committee ' s focus going forward is continued management and processing of new applicants and the annual audit process for those awarded membership grades .
Science & Technology Directorate
Director : Chris Perks The Directorate ' s activities include both ionising and non-ionising radiation across both nuclear and non-nuclear activities , including the medical sector and research and teaching , as outlined in the committee reports below . A key element of our responsibilities is to monitor and to engage in consultations on national and international regulations and standards including their implementation . Members of SRP represent both formally and informally the UK ' s view on a wide number of organisations developing future and current regulatory regimes for radiation including ICRP ( which is starting to develop thought for the next set of recommendations following ICRP 103 ). Key current issues are the changes to the HSE and ONR consent procedure , and we are keeping a careful eye on the progress through parliament of The Retained EU Law ( Revocation and Reform ) Bill which could have very significant implications for law relating to Radiation Protection . We also respond to queries relating to radiation protection received by SRP through its website .
EMF & Optical Radiation Committee Chair : Dave Rawlings , Secretary : Nigel Turner
The purpose of the EMF and Optical Radiation ( EMFOR ) Committee is to provide a focal point within SRP for the consideration of the practical implications of radiation protection related to electromagnetic fields and optical radiation exposure , taking into account UK legislation and guidance . The EMFOR Committee advises members on best practice in terms of assessing EMF and optical radiation . We also raise awareness of SRP by addressing EMF and optical radiation concerns from organisations , media and members of the public . Areas we have focussed on in 2022 include electric vehicle charging and radiation safety in the non-destructive testing industry . We have also worked on sustaining our membership , with several members having reached the end of their membership period . Focus for 2023 is on further publicising EMF and OR guidance , extending links with other organisations and increasing awareness of EMF and OR hazards in the workplace .
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