SRP Annual Review 2022/23 | Page 11

Legislation and Standards Committee Chair : Liz Thomas , Secretary : Nigel Reeves
The Committee raises awareness of , and , where appropriate , co-ordinates responses ( as appropriate in consultation with other SRP Committees ) on behalf of SRP , to :
• the introduction of new legislation , regulations , standards and guidance
• existing regulatory practices
• consultation exercises on new legislation , regulations , standards and guidance that have an impact on radiation protection .
Individual and corporate responses to consultations are encouraged by promoting upcoming consultations in SRP Weekly . It is noted that the Society provides a focal point of contact in the UK for international organisations , Government and Regulators in all matters related to Ionising Radiation .
It continues to co-ordinate quality and challenging responses to national and international consultations led by Government departments and agencies , such as regulators in the field of radiological protection and international organisations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency . These include :
• The Government ' s plans regarding the Retained European Union Legislation ( REUL ) currently traversing Parliament that could result in much safety and environmental legislation being removed from Statute unless positively retained or revised .
Responses to consultations arising from IRPA are undertaken by CLIPS . The Committee continues to maintain the Regulations Database which is available to members on the website .
Medical Committee Chair : Sharan Packer , Secretary : Jennifer Poveda
The Committee endeavours to support those working in the medical and associated sectors ( including veterinary and medical research ) by providing education and information regarding radiation protection and safety via presentations at meetings and contributing to relevant publications . We aim to address current issues , such as the impact of changes to relevant legislation or guidance , as well as liaising with the regulators and responding to consultations on future changes in the UK and internationally . On behalf of SRP , the committee collated and submitted comments on the ICRP draft reports on
• Optimisation of Radiological Protection in Digital Radiology for Medical Imaging , and
• Practical Aspects in Optimisation of Radiological Protection in Digital Radiography , Fluoroscopy , and CT .
The committee collaborated on a regular basis with other organisations such as IPEM by attending meetings , sharing and disseminating information relating to radiation protection . We also provided responses to public enquiries relating to medical exposures to radiation received via the SRP website .
Metrology and Measurement Science Committee Chair : Simon Threadingham , Secretary : Kate Crawford
The Metrology and Measurement Science Committee provides a focal point for the consideration of metrology best practice and development of new measurement science . This is achieved through engagement with the wider radiation metrology community via the Ionising Radiation Metrology Forum and the links the committee has with specialists in the field .
Currently the committee is looking at writing further Good Practice Guides on topics such as “ commissioning a dose rate facility ” and “ commissioning a neutron facility ” to help ensure that knowledge held by certain members of the community is not lost if / when they retire .
Non-Nuclear Industries Committee Chair : David Copplestone , Secretary : Mike Lockyer
As the name suggests , the Non-Nuclear Industries Committee represents the interests of those involved in radiological protection in the non-nuclear sector . We have a broad range of representation on the committee from regulatory bodies ( Environment Agency , HSE , ONR ) to academia , the ( radio ) pharmaceutical industry , the production of radioactive sources and disposal of radioactive waste . We exist to raise awareness and disseminate guidance on issues related to radiological protection including for sectors that you might not immediately think of needing radiological protection such as the food and drink industry .
Meetings in 2022 concentrated on production of a final version of the Food and Drinks guidance leaflet . A Transport of Radioactive Materials guidance leaflet has also been drawn up , which is ready for launch . The industrial radiography guidance leaflet is at a mature stage of drafting and the XRF guidance has also been revised .
The Committee at a meeting in February 2023
We are planning a launch webinar in 2023 for the Food and Drinks leaflet , an event on Transport from the perspective of those on the ' receiving end ' of ONR inspections and a seminar on Industrial Radiography , likely to be in 2024 .
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