SRP Annual Review 2022/23 | Page 12

Nuclear Industry Committee Chair : Vicky Talbot , Secretary : Kim Vignitchouk
During 2022 there has been ongoing discussions around raising awareness within the committee members ' own organisations on promotion of IRadP and TechRadP . Several proposals for events during 2023 / 24 have been submitted . The Committee has supported the Legislation and Standards Committee in the response to the ' Sunsetting ' Bill for Brexit and allowed member organisations to share within their own organisations . The Committee has taken a keen interest in the proposed changes to the HSE ' s consent process to determine the impact on the nuclear sector .
Research & Teaching Committee Chair : Gwen Mott , Secretary : Louise Nicholson
The Research and Teaching Committee represents the interests of those involved in higher education , teaching and research and were particularly involved in early consultation on the new consents process and the required safety cases . The liaison with AURPO remains productive and a member of the Committee contributed a talk to the AURPO annual conference on ' Estimating activity in radium-painted dials '. The Committee continues to work on its lab design guide and has agreed to have it published as a series of mini-guides . A couple of members also volunteered their time at the New Scientist Live fair .
Scottish Committee Chair : Colin Wood , Secretary : Angela Wright
The Scottish Committee represents the interests , including devolved legislation issues , of those based and working in Scotland and provides representation at the Scottish Non- Nuclear Industries Liaison Group ( SNNILG ). During 2022 the Committee held a face-to-face meeting in May with colleagues from Faslane and Coulport . Our Scientific event ' Out with Old in with the New ' in Glasgow was very successful and had over 80 attending . These meetings are useful for meeting fellow RP professionals and hopefully generating increased membership .
Source Security & Emergency Preparedness Committee Chair : Graeme Morrice , Secretary : Sarah Darwin
During 2022 Committee members focused on refreshing and delivering the radioactive Source Security Course to ensure its continued relevance . Members delivered this unique and extremely popular event in Glasgow in 2022 generating considerable income for the Society . 2022 saw significant change within the Committee with Tony Peters handing over the Chair to Graeme Morrice . Committee membership has also seen a refresh , with a particular plea being issued to SRP members with Emergency Planning and Response ( EP & R ) experience to join the committee as representation in this area has slipped . The Chair has been involved with the promotion of closer links with the World Institute for Nuclear Security ( WINS ), with events being run by WINS now being regularly advertised in the Society weekly newsletter . Committee members have continued to attend meetings to ensure the Society is kept informed of current thinking and proposed changes ( such as NaCTSO and Heads of Profession meetings ), while addressing queries from other SRP members .
Members will be present at the 2023 Annual Conference , with the Chair speaking . The next Source Security Course is being planned for early 2024 and an EP & R event is also in the early stages of development .
Engagement Directorate
Director : Sarah Hunak
Engagement Directorate is a group of SRP committees and networks which are involved with communicating to anyone , be that our own members ( Communications Committee and Magazine Committee ), our Partner Societies and IRPA ( Committee for Liaison with IRPA and Partner Societies , CLIPS ), our less experienced members ( Rising Generations Group , RGG ) or the general public about the science of Radiation Protection ( Outreach Committee ). Our Journal of Radiological Protection Editorial Board is also part of the Engagement Directorate , as this is about academic written communication . Events Committee plays a key role in communication to members and non-members , and includes our newly formed Webinar subcommittee , born from the covid pandemic , which allows us to more accessibly communicate to a wider spectrum of members and nonmembers both in the UK and also around the world . We also have the Champions Programme which is made up of SRP ' s points of contact in larger workplaces , and the Affiliated Organisation Representative – who is the voice on SRP Council of the rapidly growing number of Affiliated Organisations .
Communications Committee Chair : Richard Wilkins , Secretary : Kathryn Ambrose
The Communications Committee is appointed by Council under the Engagement Directorate to facilitate communication internally within SRP and externally to key audiences and stakeholders regarding the activities and initiatives of the Society . These include communicating about our work in meeting our Charter objectives to promote , advance and disseminate , to the public benefit , knowledge of radiation protection and allied fields .
The Committee continues to review and support all internal and external communications of SRP . It regularly monitors the Weekly e-newsletter , the website , forums , LinkedIn , Twitter , Facebook , YouTube and other organisations ' websites . These are discussed at Committee Meetings . Followers on all media platforms steadily grew during 2022 . The most significant increase was for the YouTube channel , which continues to offer a variety of new information , including recordings of the highly successful SRP webinars . A second membership questionnaire was finalised and put to the members during 2022 , which covered areas such as the SRP website and general communications . A summary report has been drafted and the final report with a list of recommendations has been sent to Council . An SRP procedure details the process for posting items to social media , to ensure standards are maintained and individual items do not reflect badly on SRP . This required forming a WhatsApp approvals group , which appears to function well . The Committee has continued to support the Media Officer , responding to several requests
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