SRP Annual Review 2022/23 | Page 13

including invited comments on particular news items and scientific papers which were about to be released . We responded to these in a timely fashion whilst ensuring we retained the integrity of SRP and its members .
Events Committee Chair : John Bradshaw , Secretary : Juliet Porter
The Events Committee produces a scientific programme which promotes the science of radiation protection to both members and non-members of SRP and seeks to disseminate both knowledge and any experiential learning in an engaging manner .
The use of webinars and online presentations has increased the dissemination of knowledge to a wider audience which encompasses a range of both members and non-members . This has allowed the society to have a wider reach and has also generated valuable feedback to feed into the planning of events into 2024 .
There was also the return to a full programme of in-person events held following the covid outbreak . All events within 2022 made a surplus for SRP . Face to face events do not only allow for sharing of knowledge , but also give an opportunity for networking which is a valuable aspect for the radiation protection community , and a key aspect of meeting the Charter objectives . This will continue into the remainder of 2023 and 2024 , where several in person events have been scheduled across a variety of formats such as workshops and conferences .
Committee for Liaison with IRPA and Partner Societies ( CLIPS ) Chair : Andy Bradley ( BNMS ) Secretary : Phil Tattersall
The Committee ' s work is primarily focused on delivering the Charter Objective to “ promote , advance and disseminate , to the public advantage , knowledge in Radiation Protection ”; though its work also has cross cutting elements that contribute to the other two Charter objectives . The key elements of progress this year have been :
• A Working Group ( WG ), under CLIPS , was formed to coordinate views from SRP and Partner Societies ( PS ) into the IRPA task group which is considering the proposed ICRP general recommendations on the system of radiological protection . The WG delivered presentations at the SRP Annual Conference , a meeting of ICRP Main Commission held in the UK and at the ICRP International Symposium in Vancouver .
• Two new IRPA Task Groups ( TG ), Women in Radiation and Radiation Safety Culture in Healthcare were formed during the year and two UK representatives were nominated for each . A review of the UK membership of all IRPA TGs and the Young Generation Network was undertaken following a general call to SRP members and PS .
• A UK nomination for the 2024 IRPA Sievert award was discussed by CLIPS in consultation with HNAC prior to submission to SRP Council .
Journal Board Editor : Mike Thorne , Deputy Editor : Richard Harbron
The Journal of Radiological Protection ( JRP ) is the Society ' s scientific journal , a joint enterprise with the Journal ' s publisher , IOP Publishing . The Journal Editorial Board is a committee jointly responsible to the Society and IOP Publishing , with a remit to maintain and improve the scientific quality of the content of the Journal and its standing in the radiological protection community . The Board includes members with a range of expertise of relevance to radiological protection from the UK and the EU and is supported by experienced International Editorial Advisers from further afield .
The activities of the Society are directed to promoting , advancing and disseminating , to the public advantage , knowledge of radiation protection ; encouraging , supporting and advancing education and learning in radiation protection ; promoting high professional standards for the public benefit . The Journal addresses all these activities . Technical papers and reviews provide information and guidance to radiation professionals on developments in different areas of radiation protection and many of these articles are also accessible to a wider technical audience . Similarly , opinion articles , letters and editorials provide an opportunity to address controversial issues . Advances in learning and education are particularly promoted by special issues that provide comprehensive cover of specific topics , e . g the special issue on medical management of radiological incidents and accidents that was finalised during the year . In addition , articles address alternative approaches to education and learning in radiation protection , e . g . evaluating the efficacy of on-line and face-toface learning in various contexts , and examining the usefulness of new software and hardware tools , e . g . simulators of radiation fields for training activities . Papers on quality assurance and quality control regimes and their implementation , and on the setting of derived intervention levels , promote the development and maintenance of high professional standards , by reporting good practice and by highlighting deficiencies in practice from which lessons can be learned . A high quality of peer review and the annual Bernard Wheatley Award help to encourage good professional standards in undertaking and report studies of broad interest to a professional readership .
2020 Bernard Wheatley Award for best paper Presented to Carlos Rojas Palma for his paper entitled : ' On the use of retrospective dosimetry to assist in the radiological triage of mass casualties exposed to ionising radiation '.
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