SRP Annual Review 2022/23 | Page 14

educate the public in radiation protection . In 2022 activities returned to pre-covid levels . SRP attended The Big Bang Fair and New Scientist Live as well as running our first ever teachers ' event alongside the Annual Conference in Llandudno . A card game is also being developed as a different way of sharing careers examples .
2021 Bernard Wheatley Award for best paper Presented to Jonathan Eakins for his paper entitled : ' Virtual Estimation of Effective Dose in Neutron Fields '.
One indicator of the success of the Journal is the internationally recognised “ Journal Impact Factor ”, which has been maintained above 1.0 ( an average of > 1 citation in all journal papers per JRP paper published ) for several years , extending to 2022 . However , we recognise that the world of academic publishing is changing rapidly . A close working relationship is maintained with IOP Publishing to ensure that a pro-active position is maintained in these areas of change ( e . g . in relation to the role of AI techniques in the authorship of papers ).
Outreach also wishes to acknowledge our Yellow T-shirt team of volunteers who sit outside the core committee , but without whom outreach would not be possible to the degree it currently is . Outreach Committee has several new initiatives and activities planned for 2023 and thanks those who have already contributed to the planning and preparation of these .
Rising Generations Group Committee Chair : Helen Whitehead , Secretary : Lisa Smith
The Rising Generations Group has been much more active since the start of the pandemic . We have a number of events coming up in the next 12 months , including ' How to be an Event Chair ', our three-day “ putting together your first portfolio ” event in June and an RGG-Only conference in November . We have had lots of new members sign up to RGG and the committee has recruited a few new people .
Magazine Committee Editor : Trevor Jones , Deputy Editor : Maureen McQueen , Secretary : Helen Whitehead
The Magazine Committee is responsible for producing Radiation Protection Today ( RPT ), which was first published in 2021 and aims to become established as the magazine of the radiation protection profession . It is self-financing , with production and distribution costs covered by advertising , and is distributed free to both members and non-members . It was initially published in both digital and hard copy , with the paper version posted automatically to those members who still chose to receive a hard copy of JRP . When publication of the printed edition of the Journal came to an end , the Magazine Committee considered future options , but decided to continue production of the magazine in dual format following feedback from advertisers . A proportion of members still receive RPT by post , but the environmental and other benefits of switching to a digital only subscription have been promoted . Hard copies are also provided to those Affiliated Organisations ( AOrgs ) and advertisers who have requested this , and printed copies are distributed from SRP and AOrg stands at conferences and exhibitions . RPT is published twice a year , and publication of the Summer 2022 issue was brought forward so that hard copies would be available for distribution at the IRPA Congress and Exhibition held in Budapest in June . It was not practical to repeat this for SRP ' s Annual Conference in 2023 due to its timing , so the Summer 2023 edition of the magazine will instead be published in July , and will include a report on the 60th anniversary conference in Aberdeen .
Outreach Committee Chair : Steph Bloomer , Secretary : Val Atkinson
Outreach Committee ' s primary function is the organisation of SRP Outreach activities for both adults and students to
The award of best presentation by an RGG member at the 2022 Annual Conference was made to George Wattam ( Sellafield Ltd ) for his presentation entitled '' Dose Rate Correction Factor for BG20-ER '.
Affiliated Organisations Representative : Gary Teague
2022 has been another great year in the role of SRP Affiliated Organisation Representative . Affiliated Organisation ( AOrg ) numbers have continued to swell , and we are now closing in on 80 AOrgs , which is a wonderful achievement . I have been fortunate enough to attend the majority of SRP Events this year and it ' s been great to chat to new people and build on existing relationships . My main role in 2021-22 has been to increase AOrg numbers , try to encourage new members to the Society and help produce the now increasingly popular SRP Magazine Radiation Protection Today .
As AOrg representative , I have continued to have an active role in many of the SRP ' s working groups , Directorates and Council . This has allowed me to be the voice of the AOrgs and bring as many benefits as possible to our organisations . I have agreed to continue my role for another 3 years which will take me to the European IRPA Congress in 2026 . I have continued to partner and collaborate with many AOrgs over the last 12 months and believe this is a great way to grow stronger
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