SRP Annual Review 2022/23 | Page 15

together during these difficult economic times . This would not have been possible without becoming an AOrg and growing friendships during the exhibitions at regional and annual conferences . I cannot express enough how important it is for the AOrgs to use the Events to grow relationships between each other .
My goal for 2023 is to increase AOrg numbers above 80 , to ensure that the Society and the Annual Conference keeps growing , especially with the big 60th in Aberdeen this year and the potentially huge European IRPA Congress in Liverpool in 2026 . We have secured backing from Council to host our own AOrg Event in 2024 , which I am very excited about and will hopefully remain as a yearly Event on the SRP calendar . I really hope we can make Aberdeen and the rest of 2023 a massive success , both for SRP and the AOrgs .
The Champions Programme Lead : Gary Jackson-Burton
The Champions programme is now entering its 8th year and currently has 27 Champions across 22 organisations . These Champions and organisations cover the nuclear industry , regulation , project management services and university . It is very much the intention to continue to develop the Champions network into the medical and veterinary industries .
The Champions act as conduits for information into and out of the Society ; taking feedback and ideas in from colleagues and promoting SRP , its events and other activities outward . An example of what Champions do , is encouraging members to regrade or pursue professional registration and supporting those members through the process . Champions also help in distributing SRP ' s magazine ' Radiation Protection Today ' and other printed materials to non-members , by placing print copies around tea-rooms etc . This minimises waste as magazines are only sent to Champions who request them .
The Champions Programme published a Survey of nonmembers in technical roles , aiming to find out why people have not joined the Society , and what it could do to encourage them to do so . The results of the survey are currently being analysed and a report is due soon . The data generated will be used to help the Society focus its resources to better meet the needs of those in technical roles . It will also help encourage membership and engagement with the Society to help individuals ' future development and support radiological protection practice in the UK . One lucky non-member who completed the survey won a year ' s free membership and entry to an SRP event for a CPD opportunity . The role of the Champions continues to develop and grow - to support the Society , its members and their organisations .
Operations Directorate
Director : Mary Allan
The Operations Directorate brings together the committees and working groups that keep the Society running , in terms of finance , IT , governance issues and review of Society strategy and risks . Chairs of these committees meet , together with the Honorary Secretary , Honorary Treasurer , and other nominated Trustees as the Directorate Board to oversee committee activity and discuss priorities and any problems . Committees continue to meet mostly on-line .
Governance Committee Chair : Peter Marsden , Secretary : Claire-Louise Chapple
Governance Committee ensures the Society has a robust and effective suite of documentation , to enable SRP to meet the demands of being a professional body , a learned Society and a registered charity . The work of the Committee also provides reassurance that SRP operates responsibly with respect to the environment , social and governance issues .
During the year , the Committee has worked with Finance Committee to review and amalgamate policy and procedures relating to financial management of the Society . A new Business Continuity Policy was also developed , along with a Society style guide . A number of procedures were subject to routine review and update , including the Code of Conduct , Privacy Policy , Safeguarding and Incident handling policies . The Committee also completed the audit of HNAC procedures , and planned further audits for the following year .
The Committee is currently undergoing a review of Society Regulations and will continue with a programme of review and audit , to ensure documents are effective , fit for purpose , and followed by members .
Strategy and Risk Review Committee Chair : Simon Clark , Secretary : Carol Darbyshire The Committee monitors and supports SRP ' s delivery of its Strategic Plan and maintains SRP ' s risk registers on behalf of the Operations Director and Council . During the year StaRR has
• undertaken a full review of all risks and consolidated all into ' closed ' and ' live ' categories
• consolidated the final report for the outgoing Strategic Plan
• started to look forward to the proposed delivery plan actions under the 2023 Strategic Plan .
Committees Reporting Directly to Council
Honours & Nominations Advisory Committee Chair : Karen Goldstone MBE , Secretary : Colin Partington MBE
The role of the Committee is to recommend to the SRP President individuals who should be nominated for a UK Public Honour and prepare nominations for SRP to send to the Cabinet Office . The Committee also recommends annually to Council , suitable recipients for one of the Society ' s honours - the Founders ' Medal , Honorary Fellowship and the Dunster Lecturer . Two nominations for UK Public Honours are currently with the Cabinet Office for consideration . The Committee continues to actively pursue means to receive timely nominations for SRP and Public Honours from the membership . In 2022 , in liaison with CLIPS , HNAC prepared a nomination from SRP for the Sievert Award to be presented at
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