SRP Annual Review 2022/23 | Page 16

the IRPA Congress in 2024 . The outcome of the nomination is awaited . HNAC was greatly saddened by the death after a short illness , of a most valued member , Joe McHugh OBE .
Radiation Protection Council SRP Licensor Representative : Peter Marsden
The Radiation Protection Council ( RPC ) maintains Registers of Chartered , Incorporated and Technical Radiation Protection Professionals . We also maintain the standards needed to attain registration . We have material on our website ( www . ukrpc . org . uk ) intended for the promotion of registration and its benefits to individuals and employers . We actively encourage relevant professional bodies to join the RPC as Licensees for the benefit of their members . Within the 12 months to 31 December 2022 , 10 CRadP , 8 IRadP and 1 TechRadP have been added to the Registers . We are in discussion with a number of professional bodies who are interested in becoming Licensees , and we are working with our current Licensee in detailing a pathway for the Qualified Person to become registered . At the beginning of 2022 we were pleased to note that the Health and Safety Executive , in their revised RPA Statement , acknowledged that registration with RPC at CRadP or IRadP can satisfy a significant number of the knowledge criteria in their RPA syllabus .
Council 2023 / 24
All members of Council are Trustees of the Society
Honorary Secretary & Director of Operations Mary Allan
President Jennifer Humphries
Honorary Treasurer Phil Morgan-Brown
Immediate Past President Jim Thurston
Director of Professional Standards Alison Holburt
SRP Networks
Heads of Profession Network The SRP Heads of Profession Network provides a forum for discussion and sharing of experience and good practice for SRP members and organisations interested in recruitment , retention , training and career development of radiation protection professionals . The Network has been running since 2018 utilising an SRP forum and Teams account . Two meetings are normally held each year via Teams , but face to face meetings will resume in 2023 .
The Network has grown to 49 registered members from 33 organisations . In addition to regular updates on membership , professional registration and RPA 2000 , recent discussions have included competency and suitability , Associate member requirements , developments in e-learning and developing future specialists .
Phil Ahmet Steph Bloomer Sarah Graham
Source Managers ' Network A Source Managers Network ( SMN ) was established for those responsible for radioactive sources . The first virtual meeting was held in March 2022 . The SMN comprises representatives from a number of organisations including nuclear , decommissioning , university and private sector . The goal is to provide a forum for discussion of issues relating to radioactive source management ( confined to sealed sources ), to share best practice , to provide input to UK regulatory consultations and to liaise with national regulators .
John Harrison Mike Lockyer Ian Lucas
Jill Reay
Gary Teague
See the Council page on MySRP to find out more about the Trustees
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