Spring 2021 Blue Umbrella Spring 2021 issue | Page 9


Graduation : MyTurn

By Erica L .
2019 I sat in the crowd Looking at the seniors all around
Eager for the time when I would walk across that stage
Think of all the memories Think of all the activities We ? re going to have lots of fun
Spending time with family instead of on the run
Now I ? ve graduated , but without a crowd Now it ? s my turn , without a stage
Graduation ? s gone virtual ; no large gathering allowed
And it hurt just a little , but I ? ve got to act my age
It will be ok ; I ? ve got my own way To make enjoyable this special day
My family worked quickly , planning a party
Making it perfect and the food hearty
I ? ve got my family , What more could I want ? So wipe away those tears You ? ll remember this for years
It may not be the same as when I sat in the crowd
But I ? m glad God gave me all this , And He helped my family plan it out
Congrats to all you who graduate Hope you and your family celebrate Remember even though it isn ? t the same This is your special day
