Spring 2021 Blue Umbrella Spring 2021 issue | Page 10


By Rebecca G .


It can sometimes be hard to love someone when they are mean , rude , or annoying . God tells His people to love everyone ; He loves everyone . He loves everyone so much that He sent His one and only Son to die for us on the cross . If God had not sent His Son to die , no one would have eternal life and no one would be able to go to Heaven . Every person was born a sinner ; there is no one on this Earth who is perfect . Yet , even though everyone is a sinner , they are still loved .
Loving somebody who is mean , and who does nothing but tease another person , can be very difficult . The Bible tells people to love their enemies ; Matthew 5:44 states , ? But I say to you , love your enemies , bless those who curse you , do good to those who hate you , and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you .?
When Jesus walked on the Earth , there were many people that hated Him and His disciples , but that didn ? t stop Him from loving His haters . As a matter of fact , He showed kindness to them . He ate with sinners and tax collectors , He was beaten , persecuted , and spit on ; yet , that did not stop Him from showing love . Just as Jesus showed love to those who hated Him , His children are also to show love to their enemies .
The golden rule can help when it is difficult to love someone . The Bible tells us to treat others how we want to be treated ( Luke 6:31 ). Take a moment to think before speaking or acting can help in an argument . If we want to be treated kindly , then we have to treat others kindly , and with respect too ! Thinking before speaking and acting can save someone a lot of trouble ; it can keep the argument contained and allow for it to die down .
Loving others is a difficult task , but as Christians it is the right thing to do . Not only is it the Christian thing to do , but it will hopefully help others to see Christ as well . Being kind and caring can show someone how much they matter , and how much they are loved . Love everyone , not just the people whose company you enjoy the most ; but , first and foremost , love God with all your heart !