By Kaylee D .
Do you ever have a problem with seasonal allergies ? Many people suffer from them . Allergies are also called hay fever . There are many causes for seasonal allergies . Some of the causes of seasonal allergies are : pollen , dust , mites , pet dander , mold spores , insect stings , food , and medications .
It was once thought that raw honey from your local bees could help with allergies . The theory was that if you consumed small amounts of honey it would build up immunity . It doesn ' t work because the pollen that bees use is from bright flowers which typically do not cause allergies . Normally , the pollen that you are allergic to is from weeds , grasses , and trees . So if you were using honey or planning to , it might not be the best idea .
Fortunately , there are also many ways to help with seasonal allergies . Some things that help are changing clothes after being outside , staying indoors on dry , windy days , and not hanging up laundry outside .
According to Mayo Clinic , another thing you can do to prevent allergies is to turn on the air conditioning which is used to filter the air you breathe . Additionally , there are also many prescription drugs that you can get at your local pharmacy to help with allergies . Just make sure you have a parent ' s permission before using them . Now you can go and enjoy your summer !