SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 87

Index 2013 report , China ranked 9th in terms of quality of its scientific research institutions .
4 . Although the international significance of Chinese universities has been growing , they have attracted little scholarship . Ministry of Science and Technology has also initiated several programmes to boost research and development :
1 . National Key Technologies R & D Programme
2 . National Science and Technology Infrastructure Programme
3 . Environment Building for Science and Technology Industries
4 . Mega Projects for 10th Science Research for the 10th Five Year plan
5 . 863 Programme higher education in India . Of this , prominent ones with focus on research orientation of Indian educational universities are ‘ The Universities for Research and Innovation Bill , 2011 ’ and ‘ The Foreign Education Institutions ( Regulation of Entry and Operations ) Bill 2010 ’.
3 . The Department of Science and Technology , GOI has several programmes for technology development like :
a ) Drugs and Pharmaceutical Research Programme
b ) Instrumentation Development Programme
c ) National Programme on Carbon Sequestration Research
d ) Solar Energy Research Initiative , etc .
Ease of Doing Business :
Registration of property
Tax structure
Trading across borders
China fares well on the parameter of registering property , wherein it takes only 29 days in China and costs 3.6 % of the property value .
China ’ s tax structure is also relatively simplified as compared to India . More number of taxes requires greater interaction between businesses and tax collecting agencies , and complicates the process . In this regard , a total of 7 payments are required in China ’ s case .
1 . China ’ s cost to export and import is almost half of that in the Indian case .
2 . The number of documents required for exporting / importing into the country is also lesser in China ’ s case .
3 . Inland transportation and handling , and ports and terminal handling account for only 37.9 percent of China ’ s cost of exports .
4 . The total logistic related costs amount to a mere US $ 235 per container in China ’ s case .
5 . China has a system of single window .
6 . China has developed systems for instituted risk profiles which allow them to use physical inspection in proportion to the potential risk of consignments .
In India , it takes 44 days and costs 7 % of the property value .
A total of 33 payments are required in India . Simplifying the tax procedure in India by moving to GST will help improve the doing business ranking considerably .
1 . India ’ s cost to export and import is almost double of that in China .
2 . India requires more documents for exporting / importing into the country .
3 . Inland transportation and handling , and ports and terminal handling are the major components of export cost in India , accounting for 53.4 percent of the total cost .
4 . In absolute value terms , the total logistic related costs amount to US $ 625 per container in India .
5 . A single window is practiced across 73 economies of the world and it should be implemented in India .
6 . Such a system of risk profiling is absent in India
Enforcing contracts
Enforcing contracts is a strong point for China as it ranks 19th in terms of ease of contracts , measured in terms of the time , cost and procedural complexity of resolving a commercial lawsuit between
In India it requires 1,420 days , costing a huge 39.6 percent of total claims and requiring 46 procedures in total .
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 87