SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 88

two domestic businesses . It takes only 406 days in China to enforce a contract , requiring 37 procedures and costing 11.1 percent of claims .
Resolving insolvency
1 .
Resolving insolvency is essential for encouraging entrepreneurs to take risks and opt for innovation . China ranks 78th in terms of resolving insolvency . 2 . It takes lesser time in China to resolve insolvency ( 1.7 years ) and the recovery rate is also higher at 36.0 cents per
1 . India ranks 121st in resolving insolvency .
2 . It takes more time in India to resolve insolvency ( 4.3 years ) and the recovery rate is at 25.6 cents per dollar in India .
Getting credit
Among all criteria , India fares the best in getting credit . It ranked 28th among all
China on the other hand ranked 73rd in getting credit .
Protecting investors
India ranks fairly well in terms of protecting investors . It ranked 34th in this parameter . In the past year , India strengthened minority investor protections by requiring greater disclosure of conflicts of interest by board members , increasing the remedies available in case of prejudicial relatedparty transactions and introducing additional safeguards for shareholders of privately held companies .
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IBEF Study , August , 2015 Mid-Year Review , 2015-16 , MoF Mid-year Review , 2015-16 , MoF India ’ s tech opportunity : Transforming work , empowering people , McKinsey Global Institute , December 2014 IBEF Study , August , 2015 DEITY , GOI Direct IT products include Notebooks , Tablets , Desktops , Servers and Storage . Indirect IT products are those that are bundled along with Direct IT products such as Inverters / UPS , Base stations , and Printers / MFDs . Assumptions : ( 1 ) 2014 import split assumed to be the same as 2012 ( 2 ) Tablet assumed to be classified under computers Observer Research Foundation Occasional Paper on “ India ’ s Electronics Sector : Policies , Practices and Lessons from China ”, June 2014 Indian Electronic Goods Industry : Neutralizing Trade Deficit with China , Export-Import Bank of India , March 2015 Impact of recent policy developments on disabilities of ESDM sector , January 2015 Examples of such initiatives are Vendor Development Programme wherein opportunity is provided to the small businesses to interact with large public sector units and SSI-MDA Scheme wherein opportunity is provided to MSMEs for getting international exposure and becoming aware about existing export opportunities . India currently has 173 operational SEZs with seven of them established by the Central Government , namely Kandla , SEEPZ , Noida , MEPZ , Cochin , Falta and Vishakhapatnam . Indian Electronic Goods Industry : Neutralizing Trade Deficit with China , Export-Import Bank of India , March 2015
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