SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 226


Top 5 Things to Grow India ' s Digital Commerce Market

Key Players in India

Flipkart Internet Private Limited Vaishnavi Summit , Ground Floor , 7th Main , 80 Feet Road , 3rd Block , Koramangala Industrial Layout , Bangalore – 560034 , Karnataka , India T : 0124-6150000 E : business @ flipkart . com , W : www . flipkart . com
Amazon Brigade Gateway , 8th Floor , 26 / 1 , Dr . Rajkumar Road , Malleshwaram West , Bengaluru - 560055 , Karnataka T : 1800 3000 9009 , W : amazon . in
Snapdeal Plot 237 , Okhla Phase II , Okhla Industrial Area , New Delhi , Delhi 110020 T : 092126 92126 , W : snapdeal . com
One97 Communications Ltd ( Paytm ) B-121 , Sector 5 , Noida - 201301 , U . P . T : 0120 477 0770 , W : one97 . com
eBay India Private Limited 14th Floor , North Block , R-TECH Park , Western Express Highway , Goregaon ( East ), Mumbai 400063 , Maharashtra , India T : 022 – 66690000 W : ebay . in
Jade eServices Private Limited 82 A , Sector -18 , Gurgaon - 122015 , Haryana T : 0124 – 6128000 W : www . jabong . com
Myntra 3rd Floor , AKR Tech Park , 7th Mile , Krishna Reddy Industrial Area , Kudlu Gate , Bangalore – 560068 , Karnataka , India T : + 91-80-43540100 W : www . myntra . com
Shop Clues Clues Network Pvt . Ltd ., Building No . 112 , Sector – 44 , Gurgaon , 122 001 , Haryana , India T : ( 0124 ) 4414888 , 4669777 E : info @ shopclues . com W : shopclues . com
Pepperfy Office No 301 , Kohinoor Complex Kurla West Mumbai , MH , 400070 T : 1800-209-7379 W : Pepperfry . com
HomeShop18 7th Floor , FC-24 , Sector-16A , Filmcity , Noida - 201301 , Uttar Pradesh T : 1800 103 1818 E : shantanu . barman @ network18online . com W : homeshop18 . com
India is Fastest Growing Digital
results and product feeds based on the
Commerce Market in Asia / Pacific , Yet
shopper ’ s behavior , and effectively
Digital Commerce Accounts for Less
engage shoppers to make them loyalty
Than 1 Percent of Total Retail Sales .
customers , will win over those that
Customer experience , product range ,
cannot .
delivery , payment and customer service
Product Range :
Due to the nascent nature
are the top five things Indian digital
of India ’ s digital commerce market ,
commerce players should focus on to
product range and choices are still quite
grow their business .
limited even on major marketplaces .
Digital commerce is at a nascent stage
Providers will need to expand the
in India , and it accounts for less than 1
product ranges to make the service
percent of total retail sales in 2015 .
attractive to shoppers through organic
However , India is one of the fastest-
growth and partnership . Focusing on a
growing digital commerce markets in
few categories , such as consumer
Asia / Pacific . India represents a $ 7 billion
electronics , fashion and grocery can also
market , growing at more than 40
be the right strategy to deeply penetrate
percent every year . Currently B2C
a product segment and become the gocommerce
leads the market in India ,
to site for that category .
while B2B is limited to organizations
Delivery :
This is a key challenge in India
that drive online sales while trying to cut
given the less developed logistic
costs in dealing with their partners and
infrastructure and the lack of last-mile
distributors .
connectivity in remote areas . Providers
Mobile commerce is a primary channel
will have to partner with multiple logistic
for digital commerce in India . Over 40
providers to leverage their strengths in
percent of digital commerce
national , regional and local delivery , as
transactions came from a mobile device
well as with retail stores as pickup
in 2014 , and it is likely to exceed 50
stations to offer reasonable delivery
percent in 2015 . Due to the low Internet
speed and costs . They also need to
penetration in India , the country is
consider putting in place reverse
leapfrogging the PC , and consumers are
logistics for returns , which significantly
using mobile as the primary channel for
impacts the customer experience .
online shopping .
Payment : Payment has a big impact on
There is a lot of hype due to the high
the conversion rate , and a frictionless
growth and high expectation of the
payment process greatly helps increase
market , and many companies are fast
digital commerce sales . India has
expanding to grab market share and
relatively low credit card penetration ,
increase visibility . However , the fierce
and most of digital commerce is done
competition is pushing up costs while
via cash-on-delivery . Despite regulatory
the average order value remains low .
challenges , digital commerce providers
Players need to execute on the basics to
should work with payment providers to
ensure the growth is sustainable .
offer a frictionless payment experience .
Gartner identified the top five things
Customer Service :
Besides offering
Indian digital commerce players should
immediate help on site and via the
focus on to drive growth :
contact centre , and making processes
Customer Experience :
This is the most
and cost information transparent , digital
important differentiator of a digital
commerce providers should think
commerce service as price becomes
carefully about their return strategy . A
transparent across sites . Providers that
generous return strategy encourages
can design a compelling user interface
sales especially for categories such as
( UI ), personalize landing pages , search
fashion and consumer electronics .
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 226