SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 225


50 pc business processes and systems will incorporate some element of IoT by 2020

Five Unexpected Implications Arising From the Internet of Things
More than half of major new business processes and systems
The nature of IoT solutions , how they are deployed , and the
will incorporate some element of the Internet of Things ( IoT ) by
types of data they generate and consume are giving rise to
2020 . The impact of the IoT on consumers ' lives and corporate
new security and privacy implications that organizations must
business models is rapidly increasing as the cost of
begin to address . This is a rapidly escalating risk to the
" instrumenting " physical things with sensors and connecting
organization , bringing complexity unfamiliar to most IT and
them to other things — devices , systems and people —
business leaders .
continues to drop .
The IoT has enormous potential to collect continuous data
Uses of the IoT that were previously impractical will
about our environment . The integrity of this data will be
increasingly become practical . The IoT is relevant in virtually
important in making personal and business decisions , from
every industry , although not in every application . There will be
medical diagnoses to environmental protection , from
no purely ' IoT applications .' Rather , there will be many
commands to modify actions of machinery to identification and
applications that leverage the IoT in some small or large
authorization of physical access . A black market for fake or
aspect of their work . As a result , business analysts and
corrupted sensor and video data will mean that data can be
developers of information-centric processes need to have the
compromised or substituted with inaccurate or deliberately
expertise and the tools to implement IoT aspects that play a
manipulated data . This scenario will spur the growth of privacy
role in their systems .
products and services , resulting in an extensive public
Gartner has made four more predictions for the IoT :
Through 2018 , 75 percent of IoT projects will take up to twice as long as planned .
discussion regarding the future of privacy , the means to protect individual privacy , and the role of technology and government in privacy protection .
Three out of four IoT projects to face schedule extensions of up to 100 percent with the consequent cost overruns . The more ambitious and complicated the project , the greater the schedule overruns . For some projects , compromises will be
By 2020 , addressing compromises in IoT security will have increased security costs to 20 percent of annual security budgets , from less than one percent in 2015 .
As use of IoT devices grows , however , the unique requirements
made to keep them on-schedule , leading to significant
of IoT architecture , design and implementation over multiple
weaknesses in performance , security or integration into
industry segments and scenarios will also grow . As a result the
existing processes . In the mid-to-long term , these
average security budget for IT , operational technology ( OT )
compromises will require that the IoT project be re-factored
and IoT security requirements will respond to the growth of IoT
and perhaps even recalled and redeployed .
devices across all business segments and scenarios , rising
Product-centered enterprises will be the worst affected . They
from less than one percent of annual security budgets in 2015
will seek to launch smarter , connected products , although this
to 20 percent in 2020 .
will often be a reactive , tactical approach that seeks to address
Major cybersecurity vendors and service providers are already
their competition ' s IoT product . However , even for enterprises
delivering roadmaps and architecture of IoT security , in
conducting internally centered projects that may focus on cost
anticipation of market opportunity . Small startups delivering
reductions , there will be people issues . Most of these issues
niche IoT security in areas such as network segmentation ,
will center on the normal introduction of a new technology
device-to-device authentication and simple data encryption
model . It will be complicated by emerging business models
are offering first-generation products and services , including
that will require process and cultural change . Addressing both of these will lead to projects going over schedule . By 2020 , a black market exceeding $ 5 billion will exist to sell fake sensor and video data for enabling criminal activity and protecting personal privacy . cloud-based solutions where applicable . Large security vendors have already begun acquiring some of these IoT startups to support their early roadmaps and fill niches in their portfolios .
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 225