SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 110

ii .
Special incentives shall be provided to the
h . Reimbursement of Net VAT : The unit can
following focus areas
deposit the tax for the first quarter and
a . Medical electronics
reimbursement of net VAT would be credited
b . IoT c . LED
at the end of the quarter , subject to its adjustment depending upon actual incident of taxation . Effectively , it means
d . Semiconductors
reimbursement of net VAT on a quarterly
e . Display
basis and will be applicable for first 5 years
f .
Aviation and automotive electronics
without any investment limit .
iii . Mobile Manufacturing Units
i .
VAT Rate : The rate of VAT will be 5 %.
a . Allotment of Land : To allot land without
j .
CST : To waive off CST at 2 %.
infrastructure cost considering to “ Anchor
iv . Women Entrepreneurs :
Unit ” and total of 10 units will be considered
a . Additional 10 % investment subsidy for
as Anchor units and will be considered for
Women subject to a maximum of additional
allocation of land on cost basis to this
INR 10 Lakhs for MSEs .
industry .
b . INR 5 Lakhs as recruitment assistance ,
b . Power Subsidy : To supply power on average
basing on the level of employment
cost of service ( as fixed by Telangana State
generated , for employing minimum 50
Electricity Regulatory Commission ).
employees within two years of
Alternatively , the units can avail 25 % power
commencement of commercial operations .
subsidy for a period of 3 years or INR 30
This assistance will be managed and
Lakhs , whichever is earlier .
disbursed by TASK .
c . Reimbursement of Costs for Quality Certification :
c . Providing 25 % subsidy on lease rentals up to
To develop a system of self-certification , by
INR 10 Lakhs per annum maximum up to a
the Industries Department , in consultation
period of three years , for the plug-and-play
with concerned departments , subject to the
built up office space from 1000 sft . to
unit complying with all provisions which will
10,000 sft ., Industry Shed ranging from 1000
be followed for these units .
sft to 20,000 sft , leased from Government or
d . Stamp Duty : To reimburse 100 % stamp duty .
Private owned IT Park / IT SEZ / Industrial
e . Patents : To reimburse 100 % cost towards
Park .
incentives for filing patents limited to INR 5
v .
SC / ST Entrepreneurs : Incentives and subsidies
Lakhs .
shall be applicable as mentioned under T-PRIDE
f .
Capital Subsidy : To allow a 20 % capital
vi . Support to R & D Institutions
subsidy , subject to a ceiling of INR 10 Crores
a . Promote innovation in the Electronics sector
per company ( including subsidiaries and
through Awards by way of grants .
ancillary units ).
b . Assistance at 20 % of project cost or up to
g . Interest Subvention : 5.25 % per annum on term
INR 10 Lakhs , whichever is lower , for
loan for a period of 5 years or till reaching
sponsored research work from any industrial
50 % of the capital involved , whichever is
unit to Government R & D Institution /
earlier , subject to an overall ceiling of INR 1
Government Technical College
Crore per unit per annum .

Infrastructure Support

Mega Electronics Hub : Government of Telangana is
b . Assured Power : All the notified EMCs will have an
developing Hyderabad Information Technology and Investment
assured 24 / 7 access to power . Necessary laws will be passed
Region ( ITIR ) in an area of 200 sq km .
to facilitate this mechanism .
ii .
Common Facilities Centre : Common Facilities Centres would
be created in each of the proposed EMCs .
iii . PPP for Creation of Electronics Infrastructure : The facilities , in
the form of electronics hubs , hardware parks and electronics
zones , shall be developed adopting a transparent PPP policy .
iv . Provision of Built-up Space : The Government of Telangana
shall actively pursue the creation of built up spaces and
provide it at subsidized rates to eligible companies .
v .
Other Critical Infrastructure :
a . Connectivity : The Government shall strive to provide
state of the art connectivity across the city .
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 110