SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 111


Promotion of ‘ Electronics Telangana ’

I .
Mega Electronics Events shall be organized in the state in
exporters for conducting surveys and / or research on
partnership with the industry .
trends in technology , market intelligence or on other
ii .
The Government shall encourage road shows , viability
work useful to the Electronics Industry .
gap funding and marketing activities to attract
• Business Networking and Promotional Events :
investments to the State . Further , the Government shall
Government shall promote and encourage
provide assistance to industry associations and identify
participation in various national and international
liaison officers as point of contacts to simplify
events by the industry and by leading a
investment procedures .
Government-industry business delegation to the
iii . Incentives to the Industry
identified Exhibitions and Conferences . A
Technology & Market Support : Government will support reimbursement / grant of exhibition subsidy will be
Associations of Electronics manufacturers and awarded for participating in the national / international exhibitions .

Governance Mechanisms and Facilitations for Electronics Industry

i .
Effective Single-Window System :
Sub-Committee of the CCESDM headed by the
The government has implemented a very effective
Secretary , ITE & C , in association with industry
clearance system for the industries that will go beyond
representatives , on the eligibility , veracity of
the traditional single window system . Electronics
technical / financial information , etc ., before being placed
Industry will also qualify and follow the similar privileges
before the CCESDM for its consideration .
for single window clearance .
iii . Time-bound approvals : The following procedural reform
This system , called the Telangana State Industrial
would be undertaken with an aim to provide approvals
Project Approval and Self-certification System ( TSmentioned
to the industry / investors within the timeline as
iPASS ), will be strengthened by way of legislation . A
under TS-iPASS
Right to Single Window Clearance , on the lines of the
a . Integrated application for all permissions
Right to Information , will be bestowed for all applicants .
b . Escort Officer to be assigned the responsibility for
Penal action will be imposed on the concerned officers
getting approvals
who delay the applications . The procedure for applying for the incentives offered by the State is as follows . a . The format of application is common for all the aforesaid incentives and can be filed on-line by visiting our web site : www . telangana . gov . in .
However , physical copy of the application , along with requisite supporting documentation , as is indicated , shall be filed for processing and placing it before the CCESDM for consideration of such incentives as per eligibility .
c . Escalation at various levels and regular monitoring
A provision shall be made in the relevant legislations or rules that in case the required approvals are not granted within 4 weeks of receipt of an application in full-shape , the approval shall be deemed to have been granted .
The ITE & C Department shall issue appropriate
Implementation / Operational Guidelines with simplified application proforma and procedure for claiming of the incentives .
b . Processing and release of incentives are subject to verification and authenticity of information furnished by company .
c . An Electronics company is eligible and can apply for claim of any incentive under one category only .
d . The interpretation and decisions of the Government is final with regard to applications made by the Industry for any of the above incentives .
ii . CCESDM :
An empowered ‘ Consultative Committee on Electronics System Design and Manufacturing ( CCESDM )’ would be formed with the representatives of Electronics industry and the other stakeholders . The CCESDM would administer the incentives in a speedy , time-bound and transparent manner .
Such applications shall be prima facie scrutinized by the
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 111