SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 109

III . The Telangana Shops & Establishments Act ,
Medium , Large and Mega companies , this
reimbursement is applicable for a period of 7
IV . The Contract Labour ( Regulation &
years from the date of commencement of
Abolition ) Act , 1970
commercial production , limited to the
v .
The Payment of Wages Act , 1936 vi . The Minimum Wages Act , 1948
investment made in plant and machinery . The unit can deposit the tax for the first quarter and reimbursement of net VAT would be credited at
vii . The Employment Exchanges ( Compulsory
the end of the quarter , subject to its adjustment ,
Notification of Vacancies ) Act , 1959
depending upon actual incident of taxation .
viii . General permission on similar lines of
Effectively , it means reimbursement of net VAT
IT / ITES Industry for three shift operations wit
on a quarterly basis and will be applicable for
ix . Women working in the night for Electronics
first 5 years for Micro and Small companies , and
Industry .
first 7 years for Medium , Large and Mega
iv . Exemption of Registration , Transfer and Stamp Duty :
companies .
Electronics industry shall be eligible for 100 % reimbursement of the Stamp Duty , Transfer
Duty and Registration Fee paid on sale / lease deeds / mortgages and hypothecations on the first transaction and 50 % thereof on the second transaction . This is not applicable on allocation of Government land .
ix . Transport Subsidy : Transport subsidy on fuel cost
/ billing and freight ( train ), for the first five years on imports of the parts & components , from the sea port to Telangana plant . Following is the percentage subsidy that shall be offered over 5 years : 1st year – 60 %, 2nd year – 50 %, 3rd year
– 40 %, 4th year – 30 % and 5th year – 20 %.
v .
Power Subsidy : a . Electronics industry is classified as industrial units for the purpose of levying the industrial power tariff category . Industrial Power
Category Conversion Certificate is accorded on all the Service Connections ( Power Meter
No .), and exclusively used by the IT industry for their operations , even in multiple locations / meters . The effective date of application of the incentive of Industrial
Power Category tariff , is from the date of issue of the said Certificate by Government .
x .
Skill upgradation & Training : To provide skill up gradation training in the Electronics sector for required number of candidates and to contribute matching share in the EDF as per Government of India Policy . xi . Investment Subsidy : 20 % Investment Subsidy , up to a maximum of INR 2 Crores , for the first 25 eligible companies in Medium , Large and Mega categories ; up to a maximum of INR 50 Lakhs for the first 50 eligible companies in Micro and
Small categories xiii . Land Cost and Lease
Rentals :
b . Electronics companies will be permitted to avail renewable energy under open access system from within the state after paying cost component to DISCOMs as fixed by
ERC ( subject to a maximum of one third of
a . Land shall be made available at affordable costs to companies . Further , the
Government shall provide a 25 % subsidy on lease rentals to eligible companies for a period of 10 years .
their total power requirements ).
b . 20 % of land that is allotted by the
c . Exemption of Electricity Duty : New Electronics industry units , after coming into commercial
Government of Telangana can be used for dormitories exclusively for the employees .
operations will be entitled for 100 %
xii . Promotion of use of Cleaner / Greener Practices :
exemption on Electricity duty for a period of
Suitable incentives from policies and GOs
5 years .
approved by the Industries and Commerce , and
vi . Assistance in Patent Filing : 50 % of the cost of filing
Energy departments shall be applicable .
patents will be reimbursed to the companies
xiii . Land Conversion Subsidy : The Telangana
having their headquarters in Telangana , subject
government aims to encourage the private
to a limit of INR 2 Lakhs .
EMCs by assisting in conversion of land from
vii . Reimbursement of Costs for Quality Certification :
agricultural to non-agricultural .
50 % subsidy on the expenses Incurred for
Specific Incentives for Mega Projects and other Areas of
quality certification limited to INR 2 Lakhs
Strategic Importance
( Conformity European ( CE ), China Compulsory
The different segments in the Electronics sector
Certificate ( CCC ), UL Certification , ISO , CMM
need to be promoted to enable them to compete
Certification , SA , RU etc .).
with the global markets as well as domestic
viii . VAT / CST / SGST Reimbursement : 100 %
consumption .
Reimbursement of net VAT / CST or State Goods
i .
Mega Projects
and Services Tax ( SGST ) for a period of 5 years
a . Government will also extend tailor-made
from the date of commencement of commercial
benefits to Mega and Strategic Projects to
production to Micro and Small companies ,
suit to a particular investment requirements
limited to a maximum of INR 5 Crores . In case of
on case to case basis .
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 109