Spiritual Niagara Insights Issue 1 July 2017 | Page 4
When something is not understood properly, it becomes
viewed through the filters of fear. When it becomes explained
and understood correctly, then fear dissipates and can be
replaced with the Light of Wisdom, to no longer be feared ever
When it comes to the physical body’s health, and its survival,
little understanding has been shared. Fear is a very lucrative
business, and so is disease. The Truth is not a welcomed
commodity when money is involved. When the lifestyle
becomes more important than Health, it reflects fear, a
distortion which can only bring disease to the body, as it
shows a misalignment with Nature, and this always comes at a
Sadly, the price to pay here is your health. Some habits can be
difficult to break when their inner causes have not yet been
neutralized and removed. But if we bring some Knowledge to
the forefront, there is a chance to uncover a new era where
disease can become a thing of the past, and health can
become the new normal if its principles are applied, as it was
originally designed and intended to be.
If it becomes understood that all diseases have the same
cause and that most come from your lifestyle such as what you
introduce into your body; what you breathe, what you eat,
what you drink, also what activities your body is put through;
energy expenditures versus regenerations, and how it is
treated from the inside out; how many blockages are left to
block your energy flow from entering the body, then a
conscious choice can be made to allow your body a chance to
reverse the damage done and bring itself back to a state of
pristine health, realigning itself with Nature and its original
The physical body is the vehicle which is utilized by your
Spirit, entering into it to experience this physical journey.
And like other vehicles that get created, the physical body
has its own specific needs that must be met and adhered to,
if its performance is to be at its peak. You wouldn't think of
putting sand for example, into your car's gas tank, as it was
not designed to handle such a substance in its system, and
doing so would cause damage to your car, impeding its
performance and utility.
The physical body has been put through worse, but because
it has the Life Force of your Spirit living through it, it still
manages to survive and continue to perform, even when
extremely damaged, as much and as best as it possibly can,
considering its limitations, obstacles and challenges, no
matter what abuse is inflicted upon it. Its design is very
clear; survive at all costs, making the best of any situation
no matter what happens, at times having to choose between
the lesser of two or more evils, until a point when the body
becomes so damaged that it can no longer sustain Life, then
death is imminent.
This programming to survive is built into the DNA of each
cell within the body. Adding to that gem, a dormant, under-
utilized brain with its infinite untapped potential, then the
body's vital energy reserves, its quick adrenaline response
against foreign substances, and its elimination organs,
including the adenoids, tonsils, appendix, spleen, nodes,
and you have an amazing living vehicle, created to carry
your Spirit through this journey into matter for a very long
time, even potentially ascending it into Eternity.
But before you can reach into Infinity, you need to
understand the here and now of your physical body. Actions
done now will have consequences that follow. As an
example, if you put pepper into your nose, you will sneeze
instantly. This is your body’s way of telling you that it does
not want that substance entering its domain. Stopping that
behavior is the next logical step in order to align with your
body’s needs. This seems obvious here with this pepper
example, but not so obvious with the multitude of abusive
acts that the body must endure daily due to a lack of
understanding of its needs.