Specialty Pharmacy Information Packet | Page 6

If you are not satisfied with an item you receive from UAB Pharmacy Services , please call the pharmacy for assistance :
• UAB Specialty Pharmacy and Home Infusion Therapy – Phone ( local ): 205-934-2661 – Phone ( toll-free ): 800-897-1912
• The Kirklin Clinic Pharmacy – Phone ( local ): 205-801-8730 – Phone ( toll-free ): 844-854-4084
If an item is delivered in error , is damaged , or is requested to be returned by a UAB Pharmacy Services representative , the item may be replaced , as appropriate .
Please note the following general information regarding medications , supplies , and equipment .
MEDICATIONS Many factors are involved in deciding on the amount of medication shipped and the frequency of deliveries . Supplies and other items are provided in quantities to match the amount of medication sent to you .
• Unfortunately , we are unable to accept any medications or supplies for credit . We do , however , make every effort to be sure you receive the right amount of supplies without unnecessary waste . Inform your UAB Pharmacy Services representative if you are accumulating too much of an item .
• By law , once a medication is sent out , it cannot be returned to the pharmacy , except to be discarded or returned to the manufacturer in the event of a recall .
SUPPLIES A sufficient quantity of supplies is provided as ordered by your physician and according to the frequency of your deliveries . Typically , small quantities of extra supplies ( e . g ., 1-2 days ) are provided with your first delivery to cover any accidental waste that may occur . Afterward , items will be individualized to ensure that you receive supplies in quantities matching your use , while still maintaining a little extra to cover unexpected use .
HOME INFUSION THERAPY EQUIPMENT Equipment is often rented , but may be purchased for you by your insurance provider / carrier . You should assume that all equipment provided to you is the property of UAB Home Infusion Therapy unless otherwise stated . If the equipment has been purchased , you will receive an invoice or letter stating this . If ownership is transferred to you , it is your responsibility to arrange for any required service or repair . All rented equipment should be returned when you no longer need it , or you may continue to be charged for the rental equipment .
Please contact your UAB Home Infusion Therapy representative to schedule a pickup for equipment that is no longer needed . Please return all equipment , including pumps , pump chargers , and power cords , as directed .
PHARMACY uabmedicine . org / SpecialtyPharmacyServices