Specialty Pharmacy Information Packet | Page 7

Bacteria are normal on your skin and in your stomach . These bacteria may be very useful to your body , but when they get into your blood , an infection can happen . Aseptic procedure is the term used to refer to procedures you must follow to avoid getting bacteria in any part of the system . Dirt or bacteria on any of the items used to give fluids can lead to an infection .
The catheter starts outside your body , which is an unclean area , and enters the skin and goes into the blood stream , which is a sterile area – meaning free from bacteria . To lower the chance of getting an infection , you must use aseptic procedure when working with any part of the system . The system includes the catheter , the injection cap , the infusion set , needles , etc .
GUIDELINES FOR ASEPTIC TECHNIQUE 1 . Clean your work area with 70 % alcohol .
2 . Wash your hands very well with anti-bacterial soap before you touch any of the supplies . Hand washing is the most important way to prevent getting bacteria into the system .
3 . Do not touch sterile areas or items that must remain sterile , such as the end of the catheter . These sterile parts are covered with a plastic cap .
4 . Keep your supplies in a separate , dry place in your house where you have good light and can work with your catheter without being bothered .
5 . Do not hold sterile items below waist level . 6 . Do not walk away from a sterile area or item once it has been taken out of its protective covering .
7 . If you have touched the sterile area or item against anything or you are unsure if you did , it is best to throw it away and use a new sterile item .
8 . Do not talk , sneeze , or cough over sterile items . 9 . Discard all needles and “ sharps ” in a puncture-proof container .