Avoid Clutter
Clutter is a slippery slope. If you have clutter everywhere, then take a
day out and tidy everything up. No, don't just throw everything in your
cupboard because when you need that one thing you put in there that
managed to make its way to the bottom back corner everything will
come tumbling back out. If you have clutter you are more likely to
leave other things with it making more clutter. Soon you will only have
a tiny corner of desk to work on or a pillow size bed to sleep on and
you will start to lose everything. Trust me. Tidy up now, and again
before prac because you will need space, and that thing tucked right
in the back corner.
What does sleep have to do with organisation? Sleep keeps you
focused and motivated which means your less likely to forget to put
that important meeting in your diary or to leave that book on your
desk that you needed today. Make sure you have 8 hours of sleep
every night (preferably in a bed) and that you wake up early enough in
the morning that you aren't rushing around and getting flustered. You
will be less likely to slip into bad habits and more likely to be organised
and feel alert and confident.