Speak Woman Magazine Summer 2018 Issue of Speak Woman Magazine | Page 13

Communicate your nightly unavailability Let your clients, customers, employees, family, and friends know what your available hours are and that you do not respond to emails or phone calls at night unless it is an emer- gency. Most people will respect your boundaries. Write out a to do list Most entrepreneurs have a to do list running through our head when we go to bed. We make a mental to do list, then worry about what we have or will forget to do. This can be re- lieved by taking time to write out a to do list prior to going to bed. This will ease some anxiety about forgetting something important. Get active before bed According to sleep.org ‘As little as 10 minutes of aerobic exercise, such as walking or cycling, can dramatically improve the quality of your nighttime sleep, especially when done on a regular basis. ’ So get moving! Eliminate distractions Many things can distract you from a good nights sleep. It is important that we locate and eliminate these distractions dur- ing sleep hours to increase sleep success. Here are a few steps we can take to remove distractions: • Put away Phones &/or other devices. • Turn off TV &/or Radio. • Where comfortable clothing. • Calm children &/or pets down an hour before bedtime. 13