Speak Woman Magazine Summer 2018 Issue of Speak Woman Magazine | Page 12

How To Sleep Better As An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is definitely not for everyone . If we are honest we can admit that there are many ups and tons of downs . One major issue in the life of an entrepreneur is timemanagement . There never seems to be enough time in the day . Most of us are working full-time jobs ( maybe two ), taking care of our families , and building our business . This is compounded by hearing other entrepreneurs brag about how much sleep they have lost working on their business . Although this is our reality we must still find time to get things done , so many of us sacrifice our sleep .

It is a fact that we need sleep . According to the National Sleep Foundation ‘ Sleep is a vital indicator of overall health and well-being .’ Sleep helps thought clarity and aids in memory recall . Sleep also increases creativity .

So how do we balance the need to sleep vs . the need to get things done ? Here are a few strategies to help you get the most out of sleep :

Create a sleep strategy and stick to it

Just like every other area of business entrepreneurs must plan ahead as much as possible . Choose a time to go to bed at night and a time to wake up in the morning and stick to it . This is important because waking up and going to sleep at different times on different days throws off your natural sleep rhythms .