Spark [Robin_Sharma]_The_Greatness_Guide( | Page 36

video is not congruent with your radio. Because you are committing the crime of self – betrayal. Worst crime of all. And the witness that lives within the deepest part of you – your conscience – sees it. Your schedule is the best barometer For what you truly value and believe To be important. Your schedule is the best barometer for what you truly value and believe to be important. Too many people talk a good talk. But talk is cheap. Less talk and more do. Show me your schedule and I’ll show you what your priorities are. I used to be a litigation lawyer. Witnesses in the courtroom could say what they wanted to. But the evidence never lied. 30. Shine as a Parent I’ve had coaching clients fly their private jets to the small airport near our office in Toronto and show up at our first meeting saying something like: “Robin, I have all the money I’ll ever need and a bunch of homes scattered around the world along with a ton of public acclaim. But I’m desperately unhappy.” I ask why. “Because I lost my family while I built my business. My wife left me and my kids don’t even know me…. that breaks my heart,” is how the reply usually goes. Put your family, along with your health, at the top of your priority list. Family matters. What’s the point of getting to your dreams but being alone? And few things are more important than being an extraordinary parent. Kids grow up unbelievably fast. Blink and they’re gone – living lives of their own. It seems like only a year or two ago that I witnessed my daughter’s birth. Now she’s 9 and spends much of her free time playing with her best friend Max (a cocker spaniel desperately in need of some training). It seems like yesterday my son was in a stroller with the chubby cheeks of a baby and the sounds of an infant. Now he’s 11, reading even more voraciously than I do and sharing his vision for his future (he wants to be a venture capitalist). Sure it’s a little sad watching your children grow up so quickly. I guess all I can